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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

You-hoo. Mark Skelly.

Buried back in my blog, on a post re: Fowler, I have received the following, to which I am replying to here. 
Anonymous *YOU* said... Marco, please don't mention anything about the MLB Opus. your information is inaccurate and you're speaking out of your ass. My name is Mark Skelly, and i head the MLB Opus project and have from day one. I'm also President of Opus Americas. There are no dissatisfied MLB Opus customer. if any MLB Opus customer had a concern or discrepancy it would be taken care of immediately. i would fly on a plane to my customer's residence and hand deliver their MLB Opus - and than take them to meet their favorite player. You loose all credibly when you throw the MLB Opus into the mix when you try to blast Fowler. Call me and quit hiding behind your computer. if you want to talk about morals and ethics, I'll take you on anytime. do your homework and quit being a lazy ass potato chip eating couch rat.  September 6, 2011 9:30 PM
*** For those who are confused why he is calling me Marco, well- I ended the post with "Marco....." as in Marco-Polo. Since Mr. Skelly has not done *his* homework, he should find I am far from a Marco.

Read on... it only gets better.........