It appears necessary to write this. All content contained within this blog is the sole property of Cali MJ Fan, unless otherwise Sourced as another's proprietary work. Copyright 2009-2017. All Rights Reserved. You are free to link, share and repost with content in full, as it appears, and must include a link back to this blog. Thank you for that courtesy. Much L.O.V.E., Cali

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

CALENDAR: Michael Related news

September 27: This is It documentary tickets on sale here
September 30: Pre-order rate ends for Opus book. Date Extended
October 12: This is It music single revealed
October 13: Moonwalk (book) is released***
October 24: Thrill The World attempts world record****
October 27: This is It CD is released. Purchase Music Collector's Edition Here
October 27: This is It movie world-wide premier Tickets here
October 28: This is It movie opens in theatres
Novmber 10: Court hearing in LA re: Special administrators Source
December 7: Michael Jackson's Opus book begins shipping*****

June __: The Tribute, Wembeley Field, London Details here

***Moonwalk is available on sites such as Barnes and Noble and Amazon for pre-orders.
Thrill the World article here.
*****Opus book is available (and 1/2 off through Sept 30th) for pre-orders at

If you know of any events, please comment below. Thanks!

Get your own poster.

NEWS: Mexico Fans Break the record

Remember back on Michael's birthday, 50,000 fans in Mexico City gathered to celebrate? They attempted to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the most people in the same place doing MJ's 'Thriller' dance?

THEY DID IT! The official count was 13,597 people.


Some pictures here

Here's a reminder of how much Michael loved breaking Guinness World Records.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

NEWS: CD Soundtrack and New Song

Michael-mania is well on its way! Merchandise from Bravado. Opus Book in December. This is It documentary in October (undoubtedly, though not yet reported, DVD sales in time for Christmas.) The 2-disc CD soundtrack has been approved and with it confirmed rumors that there will be a new song from Michael on it.

The special administrators are doing a great job in keeping his name and work in the media as well as creating anticipation for Michael's fans.

Here is information from Michael's official site about the new song which is to be released October 12th.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

FLASHBACK: Eddie Murphy and Michael

Wow.. I forgot about this video. Takes me back.

Eddie and Michael performing "What's up with you" from the early 90's.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

FLASHBACK: Auditorium dedicated to Michael

This is a real treat, after recently re-watching The Jacksons: An American Dream, seeing Michael again in the auditorium where he once sang was so sweet.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

TRIBUTE: Sam Tsui's Tribute


This is an incredible video. A Yale student sings all parts in this video. It's just one person. MUST SEE!!!

VERY VERY well done!

Monday, September 14, 2009

NEWS: Deepak Chopra

In this UK article, Deepak Chopra talks of his friend, Michael, and societal changes in medicine and outlooks on life that need to occur.

I couldn't agree with Dr. Chopra more.

Here is a snippet:

"There is a plethora of designer doctors who will give patients anything they want as along as they are paid,” he says. “That’s why I’d like to see a criminal investigation. That way some good would come out of Michael’s death. But no one seems to be prepared to do anything about it – even when the drugs these doctors are prescribing are killing people.”

Back in one of Dr. Chopra's first interviews with Larry King after Michael's death, I recall writing a response to Dr. Chopra asking that he take the lead on calling for change. While many of Michael's fans may see Dr. Chopra's responses differently, Dr. Chopra has been honest and direct in his comments about Michael's drug problems and maybe he can lead the charge for as he says, to allow some good to come out of Michael's death.

Here are some other interviews Dr. Chopra has given recently on Michael:
Huffington Post (6/26/09) A Tribute to My Friend, Michael Jackson
Time (Date > 6/25/09) Remembering Michael
Huffington Post High on Fame (w/Dr. Drew Pinsky)(06/28/09): Michael Jackson and Enabling Doctors
The Daily Beast (07/02/09): Michael Jackson could have been saved

Thank you Dr. Chopra and Gotham for your honesty, even when some may not want to hear it.

To quote Madonna, "Long live the King."

JANET... new single!

Wow. Check out Miss Jackson's new single Make Me on her website!

More and more respect to Janet.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

NEWS: This is It single and SAG warning

According to this story, there might be a new single released around the This is It documentary. The wait for Michael's fans will be ... excruciating.

Ever wonder why many are calling This is It a "documentary" instead of "movie"? Well, for one, it is a look into the making of the O2 concert not an acting gig with predetermined speaking parts. But more recently, the Screens Actors Guild (SAG) issued a press release warning union members to avoid working in the "movie." Ahem, this was filming the making of-- so why does the SAG have their panties in a wad?'s Roger Friedman wrote this article back on August 28, 2009, titled "Michael Jackson Doc(umentary) Gets SAG Warning, Wrongly."

Here is a link to the June 25th press statement SAG issued on the deaths of Farrah Fawcett and Michael.

Soundoff in the comments about what you think of the SAG's warning to the "actors" in the "movie." Will this keep you from seeing This is It or would you be more likely to avoid any SAG sponsored events?

TRIBUTE VIDEO: Janet's Tribute to Michael--MTV VMA

Madonna's Tribute - Full text Source

Janet's Tribute

The Tribute with the top choreographers dancing along with Michael gracing the screen behind them was spectacular! Even his gravity dance from Smooth Criminal-- just so different without him. Every one of those people dancing, absolutely paid their tributes. Janet sang and danced her heart out-- she was fabulous and her brother would be so proud. The final images of her and Michael together in Scream was a tear jerker. Janet, you have our sympathy, support and love. In the audience: Jermaine Jackson and his wife, and Michael's father, Joe Jackson.

This is It documentary movie trailer!
Michael Jackson's This Is It in HD


REMINDER: This is it

Sign up here for updates on This is It movie tickets.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


UPDATE: MTV's tease to the trailer tease. Check it out here!!

Set your DVRs, host a party-- just don't miss it! Janet is doing a tribute this Sunday (Sept 13th) on the MTV's Video Music Awards. Check your local listings. (9pmE/8pmC). Here's a sneak peek at what the night might hold.

An interesting MTV article on the background of some of the choreographers who have signed on.

Here is the MTV VMA promo:


And if that isn't enough to get you to watch, they are releasing the documentary trailer for This is It. This house will be glued to the tube.

Friday, September 11, 2009

FLASHBACK: Michael with Sonny & Cher

The intro is cute.

INTERVIEW: La Toya to Barbara Walters - Tonight

La Toya Jackson will appear on ABC's 20/20 with Barbara Walters this evening. Read ABC's lead-in article here and link to ABC's video page.

Special Note: La Toya was not paid for this interview.

UPDATE: More La Toya this week. Tune in to ABC's The View on Wednesday 9/16 and Friday 9/18. Schedule line up here.

(soft giggles at same week as Kate Gosselin hosting)

NEWS: Vienna Tribute is moving....

Jermaine makes an announcement about the Sept. 26th Vienna Tribute.

It will be rescheduled to June 2010 in London. Read his statement here. Their website changed to

One of MJ's fans made this video about the Tribute before it was rescheduled.


What do you think about it?

NEWS: Captain EO was internet rumor

According to this article, execs at Disney are contemplating if Captain EO will return to their Anaheim theme park. News that Iger was going to make the announcement on Thursday were internet rumors.

Time will tell if Captain EO will come back. We certainly hope it will. That was a great attraction!

Other reports on this:
LA Times

The song "We Are Here To Change The World" can be found on Michael's Ultimate Collection. Captain EO ran at Disneyland from 1986 to 1997, then at other Disney themeparks 1997 through 1998.

For those of you who haven't seen Captain EO:



UPDATE: (9/15/09) Wellll, hold the press for a moment. Appears there is more than just rumor about Captain EO coming back to Disneyland. A blog article published Sept 15th suggests there are solid plans-sort of- to bring it back, at least for a short while. The hitch? Appears Disney is skiddish about potential backlash with the controversy that surrounded Michael.

Here's a thought-- Michael's fans, who likely outnumber the others, make a BIGGER backlash?

btw, sweet note that Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket were able to see Captain EO in a private viewing.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

NEWS/VIDEO: This just in from Katherine

Please go to the Vienna Tribute page, to see the video message from Katherine Jackson supporting Jermaine's tribute to Michael.

Tribute timeline/information located here.

What do you think about the Vienna Tribute?

UPDATE: Since the Tribute is being rescheduled, they have removed the website information and the video from Katherine Jackson. (Thank goodness-- they owe her to have done a better job taping her message).

VIDEO: Kriyss Grant, "This is It" dancer

Great interview with Kriyss by Essence.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

CALENDAR: Upcoming Michael related news.

September 30: Pre-order rate ends for Opus book.
October 13: Moonwalk (book) is released***
October 24: Thrill The World attempts world record****
October 27: This is It CD is released. Purchase Music Collector's Edition Here
October 27: This is It movie world-wide premier Tickets here
October 28: This is It movie opens in theatres
December 7: Michael Jackson's Opus book begins shipping*****

*Details about
**Sign up here to be notified when This is It tickets go on sale
***Moonwalk is available on sites such as Barnes and Noble and Amazon for pre-orders.
****See Thrill the World article here.
*****Opus book is available (and 1/2 off through Sept 30th) for pre-orders at Ticketmasters.

More upcoming events as located. If you know of any, please comment below. Thanks!

Get your own poster.

September 10: Disneyland to announce decision @ Capt EO.
UPDATE: Capt EO announcement was a rumor - read here
September 11: La Toya interviewed on ABC's 20/20
September 13: MTV's VMA- Tribute with Janet
September 16: Oprah re-runs 1993 interview with Michael.
September 24: Probate related hearing in Los Angeles
September 26: Tribute in Vienna, Austria with Jermaine* Rescheduled
UPDATE: The Tribute is moving - read here
September 27: This is It movie tickets go on sale**

INTERVIEW: Miss Jackson speaks to Bazaar

Janet gives first interview since Michael's passing to Bazaar.

Also, set your DVRs. Janet is also doing a tribute this Sunday (Sept 13th) on the MTV's Video Music Awards. Check your local listings. (9pmE/8pmC). Here is an interesting MTV article on the background of some of the choreographers who have signed on.

Here is the MTV VMA promo:


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

NEWS: Jermaine's announcement of the Vienna tribute



"Exact details of the Michael Jackson's appearance were not revealed, but concert organiser Georg Kindel said, "Michael will reappear onstage and sing a song together with Jermaine."" Source

August 7, 2009 - Jermaine announces Tribute on Larry King Live.
August 13, 2009 - Shawn King cites "prior engagement" as reason for pulling out
Aug 20, 2009 - Katherine Jackson writes letter of support
Sept 8, 2009 Jermaine and event organizers release press video
Sept 8, 2009 TMZ reports Jackson family not in support of Vienna tribute.
Sept 9 2009 - Rep for Chris Brown denies attendance
Sept 10, 2009 - Video message from Katherine Jackson appears on Tribute page
Sept 10, 2009 - Natalie Cole denies attending-- Schedule conflict
Sept 10, 2009 - Mary J Blige apologizes for not being able to perform
Sept 11, 2009 - Jermaine announces the Tribute will move to June 2010, London.

What do you think about it?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Will you make the change?

Events of the last 70+ days have been a roller coaster ride beyond anyone's imagination. But why?

We love Michael Jackson.

This evening while on CNN's Larry King Live blog, this post caught my eye. The story was about the Tweet from Michael's little sister, Janet.

Sunset in the Pacific September 4th, 2009 3:53 pm ET

I wish I had to time cross post this on every Michael Jackson Blog on LKL.

September 3rd was a fitting tribute and dignified ceremony honoring one of the most beloved entertainers of all time. The guest list and the attendance spoke of well deserved respect and affection bestowed both on the deceased and for the family. And once again the children made a poignent statement through their love and final gestures.

Not one circumstance, lie, truth or rumor will ever change the finality of last evening. Many virtual friendships and connections seemed to have been made by all the cross-posters who attended these Blogs, as well as creating other opportunities to visit off-line websites.

As a mark of honor and in good taste, Larry King Live & CNN Webmasters, why not close down the Blogs that continue to enflame speculation for no good reason any longer.

To truly allow the family, friends and fans some lasting peace and consideration

We, the fans who "loved him more," should be more aware and validate our comments before we speculate in open chatrooms and public blogs. But when will "we" stop spreading the rumors ourselves?
Our voice is much louder united and truthful. I looked in the mirror and my change starts today.

Will you make the change?

FANS: Thrill The World...

Thrill The World is calling all zombies, all dancers, all fans to come together this October 24th (for USA). It doesn't matter where you live because you can participate.

Visit Thrill the World to sign up for a city near YOU, become an organizer, or brush up on the dance moves by watching their instructional videos.

BE THERE as the year to make this happen is 2009!

For Michael!

Main Website
World Time Chart
City Event Listing
Dance Videos

(Maybe Guinness will have a record for the most attempts by MJ's fans trying to break records in his name?)

Guinness Book of World Records, where Michael was presented Guinness records he had broken.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

King Michael,
We Love You More.
Rest in Peace dear sweet soul.

Gone Too Soon
1958 to Forever

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This blog will be observing a day of silence on September 3, 2009, in memory of Michael Jackson.

All past posts start on page 2. The regular format will return to the main page on Friday, September 4th.

Also visit these news sites where you can write letters to Prince Michael, Paris, and (coming soon) Blanket. They are touching and beautifully done! Please share these sites.

Dear Paris Jackson
Dear Prince Michael Jackson
Dear Blanket Jackson

INTERVIEW: Randy Phillips, AEG

Wanted to leave you with this one-on-one interview with Randy Phillips which took place on June 30, 2009.

I don't care what anyone says about AEG, I really think Randy was Michael's friend.

Thank you to the TMZ blogger who posted this!


I missed a few of the comments and have posted answers. The one who wanted the poem that is on the picture, the poem is in the comments.

Thank you to each of you who come by and welcome!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

NEWS: Death certificate ammended

The official death certificate has been ammended to read "injection by another." The cause of death is still "acute Propofol intoxication" with another contributing factor of "benzodiazepine effect."

Here are the Field Numbers for the CA Death Cert. This will help you know what information box the details are being changed/

Rumors were swirling in UK papers on Sunday that Murray's defense would be that Michael changed the dosage of Propofol himself while Murray was out of the room. (which is rubbish). My educated guess is it trickled down to the LA County Coroner's office and to prevent any questions, further clarification was added.

Keep tying up the loose ends LAPD/LACC - the glove fits this one!

Calling all Michael Fans!!!

Action 1.
This brief story out of Chicago says there are two videos ahead of Michael's Thriller, as the #1 most viral-viewed video.

So, please visit MJ's Channel on YouTube and cue Thriller at least once a day. Ask your MJ fan-friends to do the same. Let's knock out the two before him... and put Michael were he belongs... #1

... and speaking of Number Ones...

Action 2.
(Billboard-August 26, 2009) "Michael Jackson's 2003 hits compilation "Number Ones" sells another 68,000 (down 15%) and ranks at No. 2 on Billboard's Comprehensive Albums chart. That brings the set's 2009 total up to 1,619,000, pulling it ahead of Taylor Swift's "Fearless" as the top-selling album of the year. "Fearless" has shifted 1,608,000."

The year is not yet over and Michael's lead is small for top selling and still at number 2 for the Comprehensive chart. We have to change that! Need a spare copy? Stocking stuffers for nieces and nephews, friends? Secret Santa gifts for the office? It's under $10 which meets with United States Postal gift rules. Give one to your mail carrier, stylist, accountant... anyone. Start buying them now and you could have your shopping and wrapping done before Thanksgiving! Put it on your wish list from everyone-- you can re-gift later!

UPDATE: Here is a BBC report on Michael's UK sales of Number Ones, dated August 24, 2009.

Check out these sites, cued up for Number Ones CDs: *says out of stock*

Here's the commercial for your viewing pleasure:

WARNING: DO NOT VISIT THE WEBSITE IN THE UPPER RIGHT OF THE VIDEO. Appears someone has repurchased the domain and it has NOTHING to do with Michael.

UPDATE: September 5, 2009 Billboard Catalog Album Charts: Michael has spots 1 through 6, and Jackson 5 have spots 8 and 10. Let's keep it up!

NEWS: Items held at Juliens

In other news, it is being reported that former manager, Tohme Tohme, has 'neglected' to sign the release papers for Julien's Auction house to release Michael's property from the auction previously scheduled for earlier this year. An agreement was reached between Michael and Julien's back in March/April. The last step to release everything now rides on the defunct Tohme.

Connecting the dots, as reported so far: Michael met Tohme through his brother, Jermaine. Tohme is how billionaire Tom Barrack was introduced to Michael. Barrack (Colony Capital), if you recall, purchased Neverland in a joint venture with Michael and Tohme still has something to do with that.... I think.

Who is behind this? Joe Jackson? Jermaine? Barrack and Tohme? Why is Tohme even being allowed legal rights over this? Does not the Estate own and have legal rights over all things Michael now?

NEWS: Burial update

September 1, Katherine Jackson's attorneys filed a request to ask the court to approve the Estate to pay for Michael's funeral and burial expenses. Hearing to be held September 2; funeral September 3.

UPDATE: Sept 2, 2009: Judge Beckloff has approved the Estate to pay for the burial and funeral costs for Michael. The Estate lawyers were quoted as saying the expenses were extraordinary.

Beckloff said normally, costs of a funeral would be paid by the estate after the service. But Jackson's family couldn't afford to pay the costs upfront and wait for reimbursement."

Quoting the AP:
"Few details about the service have been disclosed. Cohen said during the hearing that part of the reason it was so expensive was because 12 burial spaces were being bought.

UPDATE: It appears that the need for 12 burial plots was not an attempt to have Michael's estate to pay for the family's future sites. It has been reported that where he is located is a room of sorts, and in that room contains 12 plots. So in order to maintain his privacy and to obtain that particular room, they had to pay for all 12 so that others not related to the family would be buried there. Ok, that makes more sense.

UPDATE Sseptember 3, 2009: Michael Jackson has been laid to rest at approximately 9:45 pm PT.

NEWS: Tainted evidence?

Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to have waited for this story to come out. Anyone with a brain knew the moment the moving trucks appeared at Michael's Holmby Hills home, trouble would eventually brew.

But who knew it would take reporters & law enforcement THIS long to make it a story?


Article on Michael

This is an interesting article titled Michael Jackson - How little we knew by John Jeremiah Sullivan with GQ found on LKL's blog page. It is quite lengthy and I've not finished reading the whole thing-- but wanted to share it.