It appears necessary to write this. All content contained within this blog is the sole property of Cali MJ Fan, unless otherwise Sourced as another's proprietary work. Copyright 2009-2017. All Rights Reserved. You are free to link, share and repost with content in full, as it appears, and must include a link back to this blog. Thank you for that courtesy. Much L.O.V.E., Cali

Monday, October 18, 2010

Uncover MJ's Name - L.O.V.E. from Spain

I received this message in my email from a beautiful MJ fan in Spain, who I have had the pleasure of getting to know over the last 10 months, re: the MJ Opus.

To each of you, those beautiful fans, who spent over a year working tirelessly to accomplish something that many thought would never be done-- this one is for YOU. 

Credit: Photo found here
Acabo de leer la noticia publicada en TMZ del descubrimiento del nombre de Michael en el famoso colegio que tapó su nombre en el 2003. Dicen que todo gracias al empeño de sus fans, y como tu eres de L.A. he dado por supuesto que algo habrás tenido que ver. Tanto si es así como si no, para mi les representas, y quería que supieras cuanto me alegra esta noticia. ES como si todo estuviese volviendo a su sitio, todo ha cambiado ya respecto a Michael en el mundo. A base de verdades y también estoy segura, de que a golpe de tecla por parte de mucha gente. Por favor, transmite mi gratitud a quienes han promovido esta acción.
via Google Translate (which we know isn't the best at translations, but you get the idea)

I just read the news published on TMZ's discovery of the name of Michael in the famous college that covered his name in 2003. Say thanks to the efforts of their fans, and as you're from LA I assumed that something you've had to do. Whether so or not, to me they represent, and I wanted you to know how much I am glad this news. It is as if everything was back to his place, everything has changed and about Michael in the world. On the basis of truth and I am sure that a keystroke by many people. Please convey my gratitude to those who have promoted this action.
Kudos to all of you.  You have shown the world that MJ fans carry Michael Jackson's message of L.O.V.E. and peace in their hearts.  Together and with L.O.V.E., there is nothing in this world we can not do.  Keep up the great work. 

Much L.O.V.E.,

PS.  The only part I contributed was to sign the petition.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Karl Fowler, KRAKEN OPUS CEO, unpaid personal taxes in Guernsey Press

Thank you dear Anonymous for this comment:

Congratulations: Uncover MJ's name project

Fantastic news!

Please see the post here  and also Mrs. Jackson's statement is posted here

Way to go MJ fans!

Here's some more press on the topic!

TMZ with exclusive photo
LA Times

Dolphin slaughter & trade - Do the math

(Edit/Add):  If you're looking for my reply from Elora's blog, please scroll down to comments.  Thanks!

Information sent to me just moments ago re: my blog post here.  I have posted the comments in their entirity here.  Most recent comments on top.  (Edit/Add:)  Also, the link kiuchi_minoru provided as the source for his information is below (in Japanese).  Here is a Google Translated version in English
kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan Total in Japan:  Taiji:  #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan Dolphins for aquariums were 93, whose estimated value is \72M. Do you think live dolphin trade is really the motivation? #thecove

FROM @kiuchi_minoru TO @CaliMJFan To the Dolphin Base/Taiji Whale Museum/Taiji Development Corporation who train/feed/sell dolphins to foreign aquariums #thecove

FROM @CaliMJFan TO @kiuchi_minoru Where does the money go if the fishermen do not get it?

@kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan Thank you for the update. One more to add, Fishermen do not receive any extra money for the exported dolphins. #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan Yes these are in yen except the total value I calculated for your convenience ($252.5K). #thecove 
kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan Back to the calculation. The estimated money gained from live dolphins in total: \20.2M = $252.5K The break down is... #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan Though HEPCA claims they were sold $300K each, they admit they haven't seen the papers. That is just an imagined price. #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan As to the 4 dolphins sold to Egypt it is clear they were sold for \15,694K in total, according to the Custom Service. #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan If you sell the dolphins to foreign countries, the prices are different as they'd include the cost of transport etc. #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan NB The money fishermen/Fisher's Union get is less than these prices, as Taiji dolphin base act as intermediary. #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan False Killer Whale \3M; Orca \20M. If you want to know the price in dollars, simply divide it by 80. #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan Bottlenose Dolphin \7-900K; Spotted Dolphin \150K; White-sided Dolphin \1M; Risso's Dolphin \500K; Pilot Whale \2M... #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan The price list is posted by someone who appears to have worked on the dolphin trade in Aquarium industry in Japan. #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan You can find the price list of dolphins sold from Taiji dolphin base to aquariums in Japan here:  #thecove

kiuchi_minoru @CaliMJFan On reading your blog I noticed a misunderstanding on live dolphin prices. Will let you know about the correct prices. #thecove

Scott West's account of events in Taiji Japan 10/16/10

Please go here to read Scott's full account of the slaughter and his detainment by the Taiji Police- for trying to film the "fishermen" slaughtering 8-10 dolphins today. 

Source: Sea Shepherd

Taiji Japan October 16, 2010: Third Dolphin Slaughter of 2010 season

Please text DOLPHIN to 44144

Cali's notes:
This is all about money.  The Japanese government, through its Los Angeles consulate's official, is on record as of Thursday October 14th, saying:
In Japan, dolphins “are regarded as naturally reproduced marine resources.” As such, “the Japanese government will continue to authorize the use of dolphins at a sustainable level.”
'And false labeling of food would be investigated “when provided with evidence.” Source: LA Times

Thursday, October 14, 2010

............ ENOUGH...............

Below you will find the source of what instigated a comment on Twitter by another MJ fan towards Oprah Winfrey. 

There's no excuse for this list being sent and none for the comments, hatred and other comments re: Oprah that are stemming from the post below the jump.  Shame on whomever who wrote it.  It is not only up to each of us to monitor our own words, but to call out others around us when things get out of control.  If you don't, you contribute to it by allowing it to continue.  Change only happens when something different happens- not letting the same thing happen over and over.  Think about it.

Watch the video in the next thread below from Joel Burns, go to Ellen Degeneres' page, or Google The Trevor Project for more information on what words and action of bullying do to others.  Children are DYING from words.  If you think words don't mean anything, why don't you go ask their parents!  See if "it was a joke" will pass the BS test with them.

Michael Jackson stood for LOVE! So do his fans.  Remember that.

Councilman to gay teenagers: "It gets better"

Source: FTWCC Joel Burns YouTube

I just got a tweet from Alyssa Milano which gave the link to the above video.  Not only should every adult watch this, but they should show it to their children too, ESPECIALLY teenagers.

For more information:
The Trever Project
Ellen DeGeneres's selections of Orgs to donate re: Bullying

ContactMusic doesn't know difference between Randys!

UPDATE: (Jan 06, 2011)  The picture is still up.  Really ContactMusic? 

This is really a disgraceful show of "journalism" at its worse, especially for a musically focused media outlet such as   This article, as industry standard, I'm sure has passed through approval levels prior to posting and based on posting date/time (October 13, 2010 at 1330) still has not yet been corrected.

The article, which you can read here, discusses recent Twitter comments by Michael Jackson's youngest brother, Randy, who is clearly upset over the news that Oprah Winfrey is producing an interview with his parents and Michael's children (or at least reportedly with MJ3).

What could possibly be so disgraceful that I rate this article a major "fail"?

Look for yourself.

International Save Japan Dolphins Day TODAY

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
What: October 14th: International Save Japan Dolphins Day
A worldwide peaceful and lawful protest of the annual dolphin slaughter in Japan, as depicted in the Academy Award winning documentary The Cove and the Animal Planet series Blood Dolphins. The Japanese government issues 23,000 permits annually to coastal communities to kill dolphins of several species. A few are sold, at great profit, to aquariums and swim-with-dolphins programs around the world. The captive dolphin industry subsidizes the slaughter. The majority of the pod is then slaughtered for meat. But the meat is contaminated with outrageous amounts of mercury and other pollutants, exceeding the Japanese government’s own health limits. This is a human rights issue as much as an animal welfare issue.

Demonstrations will be going on throughout the world in front of Japanese embassies and consulates on October 14th. Please join your fellow environmentalists and animal activists in protesting the hunts and urging Japan to switch to more sustainable and benign methods of profit, such as eco-tourism and dolphin-watching cruises.

When: Thursday, October 14th, Noon to 2 PM.

Where: In front of Embassies and Consulates of the Government of Japan around the world. Below is a list of cities where events are planned along with contact information. If you don’t see your city, start your own event! Contact Shelby Proie,, for more information.

If you can’t attend, please consider calling. Here is a list of all Embassies and Consulates with phone numbers:

Participating Cities and nonprofit organizations:


David Drolet-

Lisa Yee,
(NOTE: Boston *edit* had an alternate Japan Dolphin Day rally on 10/7 sponsored by WDCS, WSPA, CSI, and MARC from 12-2PM in front of the Japanese consulate)

Allie Presas, ; Cynthia Perez,
Animal Rights Action Network and Emily Wolf
Contact: ,
Courtney Vail,
Wild Dolphin Foundation:

Houston Animal Rights Team (H.A.R.T.), vegan world radio
Contacts: Kara, ,

Los Angeles
Contact: Julia Ramsey,

Save Japan Dolphins and Oceanic Defense
Mary Jo Rice,

New York City

San Diego

San Francisco:
Earth Island Institute, In Defense of Animals, Orca Network,
Contact: Mary Jo Rice,

SaveJapanDolphins, EcoElements

Kevin Starbard,


Tempe, AZ
Rockstar Rescue; For The Whale Of It
Washington DC:
Animal Welfare Institute and Humane Society of the United States/Humane Society International

Joanne Clarke
Ottawa Animal Defense League
Contact: Sue Manns,
Ocean Activists United
Contact: Sarah Patrick,
Barcelona, Spain
Coordinadora Proyecto Cetaceo Libre
Contact: Diana Morales,

Berlin, Germany
Tom Hernan, Elisa Brongers

Ocean Activists United - Zagreb Chapter
Mariana – Prijatelji zivotinja

Edinburgh, Scotland

London, England
Marine Connection and Karen Page,

Libson, Portugal
Natalie & Nori in conjunction with: , , ,

Paris, France
Vivamar Society-Ljubljana and Slovenija

Rome, Italy
Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali

Rotterdam, Netherlands
Stockholm, Sweden
Izabelle Maelan,
Vienna, Austria
“Resistance for Peace” and Angelique Hackl  and
Jacob Berelman,

Taiji, Japan
Save Japan Dolphins
Leilani Munter,

Auckland, New Zealand

Bangkok, Thailand

Brisbane, Australia
Robyn Price

Christchurch, New Zealand
Aaron Nolan,

Canberra, Australia
Karin Klaus,!/event.php?eid=132020196847829

Hong Kong, China
Jess Chan,


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Melbourne, Australia
Haans Silver,

Perth, Australia
Melinda Reilly,
Trixie (EII)-,

Sydney, Australia
Naomi Wong,

Wellington, New Zealand
Jarna Hamilton,


Wild Earth Foundation

Mexico City
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Jorge Perez and Aliança International do Animal ”AILA”  and
Cape Town, South Africa
Bahia Fitchen-
Nigeria, Africa
Nigeria SPCA (Emmanuel Eyoh),


Monday, October 11, 2010

Kraken Opus: Cali's email to Karl and Andy re: Opus Reality...and more.

MJ Fans: if you haven't read this post yet, then come back to this one.
Enjoy! Much L.O.V.E.

Andy and Karl,

It's been some time, since I've heard from either of you. Come Monday, October 18th, I will have been watching and working on behalf of customers worldwide who purchased The Michael Jackson Opus for 10 months now. I am a customer, not an employee of Kraken Opus, meaning I get nothing for doing this except keeping my promise to fans back in December of last year. I would not read my MJ Opus until every single person had theirs and I wouldn't stop working on their behalf until the issues were resolved. Karl, when we first spoke this year, you jokingly offered me a VP position after this was resolved. I knew then (and now) it was a joke but what I didn't realize, is maybe these issues will NEVER end! This is bullshit! To say there's no plausible excuse for this would be the understatement of the century.

BREAKING: 14 in Dolphin pod have been SLAUGHTERED

The dolphins in the 2 videos just below this post have been killed:  EXCEPT *edit* two who have already been transported out of town, likely to be sold to a dolphin park or swim program.

Here is one early report:

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Cove Runs Red with Blood for the Second Time this Season

Taiji fishermen slaughtered the entire Pod of an estimated twenty Rissos dolphins sparing the life of one to be sold to the Aquarium industry.

Yesterday Sea Shepherd offered to buy the lives of the captive dolphins. The fishermen refused saying that they would not sell us the dolphins to be released. They sneered at the offer saying it was nonsense to buy dolphins to release them hinting it was like welfare and they would not take hand-outs.

Instead they speared and stabbed the dolphins in the cove until the water ran scarlet with blood.

The Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians are on site filming the slaughter, restricted by numerous Japanese Coast Guard and police

Source  Courtesy: Sea Shepherd

There will be more infomation on a Save Japan Dolphins WORLDWIDE Protest this Thursday.  I'll get this up by tomorrow!

UPDATE 1: This from @blumarbl on Twitter. 

the "spared" babies now have no place to go, no protection and no future. #JapansShame

the dolphin babies are traumatized from seeing the pod massacred around them and forced to swim in their mother’s blood #JapansShame

fishermen in #thecove are at this moment driving the babies out but they won't leave, they are looking for their mothers

6 baby dolphins were "spared" in Taiji, although there mothers were killed, meaning the babies will starve #JapansShame 

Monday, October 11, 2010
Taiji Fishermen May Spare Mothers and Babies
We have confirmed that 14 dolphins were killed today at Taiji. Two were taken into the harbour hoisted onto a flatbed truck and driven out of town. About 6 dolphins, mothers with calves are still swimming in the bloody waters of the Cove. The fishermen have indicated they may release them to appease the Cove Guardians. We cant confirm this until they do but it remains a possibility.

There were Japanese news crews in Taiji covering the kill today. That is unusual.
Source: Courtesy: Sea Shepherd

Dolphins tailslapping the water

UPDATE:  October 11, 2010 (US Time) THESE DOLPHINS WERE SLAUGHTERED in Taiji, Japan  Read more here  The 2 videos below were within approx 24 hours of their being killed.

Here is video of the dolphins being driven into The Cove in Taiji, Japan on October 11, 2010 by Elora


Distressed Risso Dolphins after they were driven into the Cove on October 11, 2020 in Taiji, Japan as they await their deaths tomorrow morning (Japan time). By John and Jackie.


The "fisherman" were offered the same money they would get if they killed these dolphins and here's an account of what their reply was.  View here

Visit these blogs to read the latest reports from Taiji.  Very interesting.

Jackie and John (from the UK)
Elora Malama (16 year old from the US)
Scott West (from the US)
Leilani Munter (female Nascar driver)
     be sure to watch her video at the top about her vision of change.
Steven Thompson (co founder) of Taiji Dolphin Action Group

PS.  Steven Thompson, after his swim in the Cove today, asked the Taiji "fisherman" and media to let the pregnant females and the baby dolphins go so they are not slaughtered.  Yes, the drives in Taiji kill every single dolphin that enters The Cove when there is a slaughter- babies and pregnant females too!

If you wish to contact the Japan Embassy in your country (or state), here is the list, courtesy of  Stop Killing Whales and Dolphins on FB, see below.

OPUS REALITY: MJ Fan email to Andy @ Kraken Opus

The emails to Andy ( ) are starting to come in.  Here's one.

My name is *removed*, and I have bought the Official Michael Jackson last year, maybe your remeber me, Im from *removed*, I got my book after six month waiting...However, I never got the OR CARD...because it would never was one....( Im aware of this since april this year anyway....)..thanks to my dear Cali and her great efforts to help us...Im telling you this, because I dont want anything from you, except for the fact that you have part of the product I bought....

I know that you already made a donation with that portion of the money , I know the person who asked you to do it, so I know that its true for sure....I would like that you do the same with the $ 20 that represents my non-existant OR CARD...I want you to donate that money in Michaels name, or at least in my name in behalf of Michael to a charity.

The charity I have chosen is : " Save Japan Dolphins "

I hope you do some good with our money.
Kind Regards, *removed*.

BREAKING NEWS: Michael Jackson OPUS Augmented Reality, Kraken Opus

After many weeks of waiting, and the perserverence of one dedicated MJ fan, a REFUND in the amount of $20 has been made as a donation to charity (to ) by Kraken Opus UK in lieu of a full refund (and return) of the MJ OPUS since there is NO Augmented Reality as originally advertised. Coupled with the email response from Lara (KO's secretary) posted on my blog last week citing the reason for no OR (Intellectual Property infringement),

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

KRAKEN OPUS UPDATE: Opus Augmented Reality

The following is a reply from Lara Allen, secretary to Karl Fowler/Kraken Opus/OMG to an MJ fan on September 21, 2010.  Please pay attention to the portion I have highlighted in red.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Please watch, comment and share


Visit Elora's blog today. A 16 year old young lady who traveled to Japan to witness this for herself. Her blog is a daily account of her experiences including the culture of Japan. It is really an amazing blog.