Thursday, December 31, 2009
VIDEO: Jermaine on creditor claim and FBI files
C'mon Jermaine. Really.
Here is the original article discussed. Notice an MJ Estate attorney is mentioned as a source. Did Weitzman get it wrong then? The article is not deflamatory and is just proper handling by Team Branca because of royalties and money possibly loaned (by Janet for MJ's funeral) and the siblings are listed as potential creditors.
Business is business.
As for the FBI information, I TOTALLY agree with you on that! They should have stepped up before now, but sadly I think they were just following protocol.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
NEWS: "Thriller" selected Library of Congress preservations
The Librarian of Congress has selected the 25 films for 2009 which will be added to an annual registry under the (US) Library of Congress., which was originally established in 1800. The National Film Registry, established in 1989, is to preserve American cultural and historical films... for all time.
One of the selections is Michael's "Thriller". While appearing on the list as #24 in the article, the list is alphabetical.
"The Librarian urges the public to make nominations for next year’s registry at the Film Board’s website" here.
Could we get "This is It" there for 2010? I wonder.
Please read the full article here at News from The Library of Congress.
OPUS: NBC Today Show August 12th with intro
(TY Fan who sent this) Kraken Opus' upload of the same interview on YouTube here *added 01/03/10
Monday, December 28, 2009
VIDEO: Spike Lee's video for 'This is It' song
Michael Jackson - This Is It - Directed by Spike Lee from 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks on Vimeo.
1/14/10: Oh well bummer! Looks like video is gone :(
Saturday, December 26, 2009
OPUS: Amazon selling Pre-Order MJ Opus for $156.87
Appears is prepared, according to this screen-grab located here taken today. Thank you to a MJ fan for sharing this with us!
Order your MJ Opus for the low low price of $156.87. Oh, and FREE shipping!
UPDATE: March 14th-- Sometime in February, removed the ordering information for the cheaper $156.87 MJ Opus. They had no authorization whatsoever to post the sale of the Opus at that price. It appears in combination with legal communications on behalf of those responsible for the contract with Michael's Estate (not Kraken Opus UK) and phone calls from MJ fans explaining there were Federal Trade Commission complaints, finally removed the unauthorized sale page.
If you see The Michael Jackson Opus for sale anywhere by anyone other than a fan, selling this MJ Opus in bulk, for a price less than $249.99 (or $229-special deal for Ticketmaster and maybe Sony), PLEASE email me with the link to that page.
FYI and thank you!
OPUS: Michael's LA Memorial Wall centerfold

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 12:22 — Smile4michael
I got mine yesterday, but I'm a little dissapointed one of the pictures that I saw in the pre-order is not on the Opus, and is really sad for me, because it was the Memorabilia set up at the Staple Center In Los Angeles, when I pre-order the Opus it was there, but is not on the one I got i wonder why?
I send the Opus people an email i hope they answer my quetion soon.
My family has wrote on the Memorabila at Staples.
This member also wrote this the following day:
Thu, 12/17/2009 - 13:44 — Smile4michael
December 28, 2009 12:05 AM *added 12/28
Another online retailer selling this @ a discounted price?! I did in fact receive my OPUS btw on the 23rd. Opened the door to see it propped on it! Thank God, it was on the hinge side or I might've swung the door open, sending it crashing onto the cement.. Have you heard of others complaining about the quality? I, myself, have heard of 2 other people that had actual damage to the inside of the book. I figure on top of the Amazon outrage, people will be coming out of the woodwork w/ more stories now that we've all had a little time to go through the book. I'm so upset that the memorial wall wasn't included as I so wanted to see that. I don't care what they say about it not being included since it had already been viewed by the public. I don't believe it! While I'm at it, there's actual very little pics from the last few years...or is that just my warped personal opinion? Also, has anyone else noticed just how awkward it is trying to turn the pages with just one glove? I found it virtually impossible to grab the pages and turn them...I know I'm coming off as really negative in this post. Don't get me wrong, I adore the book. But I do believe there are still some details that need to be worked out.
OPUS: Links to pictures by page
Please bookmark this page as I will be updating it often (or until I find all the pages... LOL)
Front cover
Front cover plus clamshell
Table of Contents
Ferraris pp 10-11
Snow Mountains pp 22-23
Child Star Chapter pp 30-31
Natural Intensity pp 68-69
Voice Chapter pp 88-89
The Voice pp 90-91
Composer Chapter pp 114-115
At piano pp 120-121
Moonwalk chapter pp 136-137
Martial Arts moves pp 144-145
Vision chapter pp 170-171
Smooth Criminal set pp182-183
Gatefold/Charle Chaplin p 194-199
One Glove chapter pp 206-207
In a Beverly Hills park pp216-217
Friend chapter pp 248-249
Tatum, Marceau, Kermit & Henson pp 256-257
The Eyes of a Child p258
Heart chapter pp 276-277
"We are the World" Autographed sheet music pp 286-287
Visiting children hospital/orphanage pp 298-299
Art Lover chapter pp 304-305
The Last Sitting/Nate Giorgio pp 314-315
Superman pp 326-327
Global Icon chapter pp 362-363
Friday, December 25, 2009
OPUS: Beginning tomorrow...
UPDATE 12/26: Two fellow fans (you know who you are *hugs*) are worried I would get in trouble with Opus or the owners of the copyright if I published pictures here. So, I double checked the book itself and it says Opus holds all rights and unless there is written authorization from Opus, you can not reproduce in any electronic way, any part of the book. *insert cuss word here*
Since I am a law abiding citizen, what I will do instead, is get links to pages where OTHERS have posted pictures of Michael's Opus. If they don't list a page number, I will add that to the information and keep the list in order of pages.
I'm sorry-- I really thought if I took a picture (with a camera-not a scanner) and added a watermark so the picture could not be used in any other way, it would be okay - but I am not willing to take the chance to get in legal hot water with them or Michael's Estate. I just wanted to give you all who don't have your Opus' yet something to make you smile until it arrives. *cries some more*
*end update
Also, I am going to be looking at different templates for this blogpage. If you see it look weird and then go back, then you know I am working on it. I will make an announcement when I've found the final selection so it is easier to read the articles here.
Merry Christmas to all!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
MJ Fans in Russia await Michael Jackson's Opus to arrive
Thu, 12/24/2009 - 13:24 — Russia
Dear Cali,
Fans from Russia trace your letters and messages concerning the Opus. First of all we wish to thank you for support of admirers of Michael Jackson all over the world! Also, we wish to express our discontent with the Opus company and Ticketmaster.
All of us placed the orders for Ticketmaster till 01.12.2009, and many of us till 01.10.2009. We saved money and refused to ourselves in everything to have this book! It was promised to us at the order that we will receive the complete set (2) gloves, a 3D card and a copy of a banner of a memorial wall. None of us received the Opus till now, though all guaranteed its reception till December, 25th 2009. Those fans who addressed the Opus, Ticketmaster and Andy by e-mail have not received any answer concerning delivery terms. Many countries received some information on carrying over of the terms of delivery in connection with the problems at customs, weather conditions etc., but our inquiries are persistently ignored.
One of us communicated the Opus by phone and as well as much had been gave the answer that all is completed and in the nearest future we can receive the Opus. More exact data has not been given to us, meantime other European countries receive the information on exact date of reception. We cannot remain more in ignorance when we can receive the book!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Best regards,
Michael Jackson's Russian fans
Merry Christmas Michael from Russia
OPUS: Opus delivery updates by country *Last Updated 01/02/10
This will remain here for previous bookmarks and comments.
*changed 01/02/10
OPUS: Update for France, Germany and Netherlands
Dear customer,
Opus Media Group are very sorry to report that extreme circumstances beyond our control have caused delays in the delivery of The Official Michael Jackson Opus to a small minority of locations. We have received orders from over 100 countries for this epic celebration of Michael's life and every possible effort has been made to ensure that orders placed before December 1 would reach customers wherever they are around the globe in time for Christmas.
Unfortunately, despite the constant intense efforts of our distribution team to resolve issues with shipping and customs intervention and latterly with terrible weather conditions in the UK and much of mainland Europe, orders placed by customers in France, Germany and the Netherlands will now not be fulfilled until the week commencing 28th December 2009.
Everyone involved in the production of this definitive celebration of Michael's life are extremely frustrated that issues beyond our control are now delaying delivery of your Opus. As you may know, just weeks before Michael's untimely death, we were planning to work with him to create an Opus on his forthcoming 'This Is It' O2 residency. Following his passing, we were determined instead to create an exceptional tribute befitting the undisputed King of Pop for his millions of fans. To this end, our editorial, design, photographic research, reproduction and printing teams spread across three continents worked day and night to meet rigorous deadlines and produce the ultimate book on Michael Jackson. Having met all our deadlines, and received overwhelming praise for the Opus from customers who have received their copies, the delays to some customers are even more exasperating for us.
We are very aware that this is an upsetting situation for our customers and would like to offer something unique to you as a means of going some way to make up for the delay to your copy being delivered before Christmas. You will receive a limited edition art print created by Nate Giorgio (one of Michael’s favourite artists and a significant contributor to the Opus). This unique print has already been commissioned and will not be available for sale to the general public. The limited edition art print of Michael Jackson by Nate is a true one off and collectors piece. These will be posted individually to you in the New Year. In addition Opus Media Group will offer every customer the right to a 20% discount off any Opus that we have produced or will produce in the future. Clearly we would have liked that you received your Opus prior to Christmas. That was always our goal, but we hope that you will accept the small gestures of goodwill as some way to making good this current delayed situation.
Once again, we thank you for you patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused. We are doing everything in our power to rectify distribution issues and we trust that you will be thrilled with The Official Michael Jackson Opus when you receive it.
FANS: Michael and Christmas for years to come

What will each of you be doing tomorrow to remember Michael on the 6th month anniversary and Christmas? Has anyone thought about each year we will mark Christmas not just for the symbol it represents but now the X year and 1/2 anniversary of his passing? Feels almost like we need to put together something where we all come together somehow each Christmas in his name--
Something like a worldwide charity campaign that brings toys and/or food to children in need in our own community. What do you all think about that? Obviously too late for this year, but we could start working on it for next. We'd have to come up with a name... oh the possibilities are racing through my head!
The more I've been thinking, more ideas are flooding my brain cells. Give some thought to the idea and post your comments here. Would you be a part of this?
Picture Source
OPUS: Summary of posts regarding Opus issues *UPDATED 01/10
My blog was orderly until all these issues came up and feels like my house is a mess here. However, I don't want to combine any topics or make changes to the posts as they are now in case fans, companies or agencies have bookmarked a specific topic. To that end, this post will contain an index by subject. Some links will repeat depending on the subject matter they contain. Hopefully it will help.
YOUR voice is needed on "Have you received your Michael's Opus yet?.
General topic headings will appear in RED to separate groupings.
Advertisements about the Opus book
By Opus
OPUS: Timeline and documentation - August
OPUS: Rolling Stone Magazine article
OPUS: File complaint with Federal Trade Commission
Opus through Barnes and Noble
OPUS: Email from Opus Media Group
OPUS: While we wait....
OPUS: October 1 2009 Opus extends Pre-order price
OPUS: Terms and Conditions of Sale *added 12/25
OPUS: NBC Today Show August 12th with Intro *added 01/03/10
LA TIMES: More to see in 'Official Michael Jackson OPUS'(12/9/09) *added 01/08
(LA Times Magazine) Michael Jackson: Off The Wall (Dec 09, 09) *added 01/08
OPUS: Pre-order offers by Country / *added 01/09
OPUS: Letter from OMG to Australian fans *added 01/10
By Ticketmaster
OPUS: Ticketmaster
Opus through Barnes and Noble
OPUS: While we wait....
By Barnes & Noble
OPUS: Barnes and Noble change AGAIN
OPUS: Barnes and Noble changes pricing and delivery
Opus through Barnes and Noble *added 12/26
OPUS: Amazon selling Pre-order MJ Opus for $156.87 *added 12/26
Communication to or from the companies
OPUS: Update for UK customers
Update: Opus contact
Comments about Michael Jackson's Opus - delivery, 1 glove, no Reality card
OPUS: MY emails to Opus & Ticketmaster *
OPUS: Email from Opus Media Group
UPDATE: Opus delivery date
OPUS: October 1 2009 Opus extends Pre-order price
OPUS: Update for France, Germany and Netherlands *added 12/25
OPUS: Opus Delivery Updates by Country *added 12/25
OPUS: Terms and Conditions of Sale *added 12/25
MJ Fans in Russia await Michael Jackson's Opus to arrive *added 12/25 *added 01/03
REPOST:OPUS: Delivery status by Country last updated *added 01/04
OPUS: Copy of letter sent to customers in Japan *added 01/07
OPUS: Customer Service Reply from Ticketmaster
OPUS: Timeline and documentation - August
Have you recieved your Michael's Opus yet?
OPUS: MY emails to Opus & Ticketmaster
OPUS: Opus Delivery Updates by Country *added 12/25
MJ Fans in Russia await Michael Jackson's Opus to arrive *added 12/25
Fed Ex*added 01/05/10
REPOST:OPUS: Delivery status by Country last updated *added 01/05
OPUS: Tracking numbers are being sent to... *added 01/05/10
Any related topics with comments by fans
Posts with copied comments
OPUS: Update for UK customers
Barnes and Noble: THIS is what Michael's book means
OPUS: Barnes and Noble changes pricing and delivery
OPUS: File complaint with Federal Trade Commission *
Have you recieved your Michael's Opus yet?
Update: Opus contact
Comments about Michael Jackson's Opus - delivery, 1 glove, no Reality card
OPUS: MY emails to Opus & Ticketmaster
OPUS: Opus Delivery Updates by Country *added 12/25
MJ Fans in Russia await Michael Jackson's Opus to arrive *added 12/25
OPUS: Michael's LA Memorial Wall Centerfold *added 12/26
REPOST:OPUS: Delivery status by Country last updated *added 01/04
Topics where you commented
OPUS: Timeline and documentation - August
OPUS: File complaint with Federal Trade Commission *
Have you recieved your Michael's Opus yet?
Comments about Michael Jackson's Opus - delivery, 1 glove, no Reality card
OPUS: MY emails to Opus & Ticketmaster
REPOST:OPUS: Delivery status by Country last updated *added 01/05
OPUS: Tracking numbers are being sent to... *added 01/05/10
Complaints by topic
No communication from Opus
Have you recieved your Michael's Opus yet?
Comments about Michael Jackson's Opus - delivery, 1 glove, no Reality card
OPUS: MY emails to Opus & Ticketmaster
OPUS: Opus Delivery Updates by Country *added 12/25
OPUS: Terms and Conditions of Sale *added 12/25
MJ Fans in Russia await Michael Jackson's Opus to arrive *added 12/25 *added 01/03
REPOST:OPUS: Delivery status by Country last updated *added 01/04
No communication from Ticketmaster
Have you recieved your Michael's Opus yet?
Comments about Michael Jackson's Opus - delivery, 1 glove, no Reality card
OPUS: MY emails to Opus & Ticketmaster
OPUS: Opus Delivery Updates by Country *added 12/25
MJ Fans in Russia await Michael Jackson's Opus to arrive *added 12/25
REPOST:OPUS: Delivery status by Country last updated *added 01/04
Orders made after December 1 received before pre-orders
Thu, 12/17/2009 - 18:20 — Epona7
I live in Long Beach, CA. I ordered on Dec. 5 and got the Opus today. It shipped out of Torrance, which is very close to Long Beach.
Errors contained in the Opus book
OPUS: Errors?
Damaged Opus received
OPUS: Opus Delivery Updates by Country *added 12/25
REPOST:OPUS: Delivery status by Country last updated *added 01/04
OPUS: If your Opus arrived damaged *added 01/07
Pricing discrepancies
Barnes and Noble: THIS is what Michael's book means
OPUS: Barnes and Noble change AGAIN
OPUS: Barnes and Noble changes pricing and delivery
Opus through Barnes and Noble
OPUS: MY emails to Opus & Ticketmaster
OPUS: While we wait....
Advertised item not what was received
OPUS: Ticketmaster
OPUS: Timeline and documentation - August
Comments about Michael Jackson's Opus - delivery, 1 glove, no Reality card
OPUS: MY emails to Opus & Ticketmaster
OPUS: Email from Opus Media Group
OPUS: While we wait....
OPUS: Opus Delivery Updates by Country *added 12/25
REPOST:OPUS: Delivery status by Country last updated *added 01/04
Information and where to file complaints:
OPUS: File complaint with Federal Trade Commission *
OPUS: MY emails to Opus & Ticketmaster
OPUS: Email from Opus Media Group
Update: Opus contact
OPUS: Terms and Conditions of Sale *added 12/25
Thu, 12/17/2009 - 15:51 — babsette
I truly hope that they honor what they said in October and what they said LAST WEEK. And that pre-orders from October will be delivered by Christmas. I ate bread and water for a month to save up for this book. It would really be a shame if they disappoint me and so many other fans. UPDATE 12/25: This fan has received their Opus! YAY!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
OPUS: October 1 2009 Opus extends Pre-order Price

This advertisment was originated by Opus to fans via email. The links contained in that email are still valid, which is how I obtained these screen-grabs located here today 12/23/09 10:53am PT.
Fine print reads, quote:
*Price valid only until October 27th 2009, £218/$330/€260 thereafter. Shipping and handling extra.
Thank you to the fan who sent me this information!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
BREAKING NEWS: Conrad Murray on TV show?
Thank you Harvey Levin and your entire staff for this article. For those of us who have some pent up hostility from the last few days, the comment section of this article would be a great place to vent! LOL Check out the subject matter. We KNOW Murray and reps read TMZ' article and comments-- seriously!
"Only in Hollywood, could a doctor who's being investigated in the death of Michael Jackson score a gig to star in a international TV special.
TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray struck a deal with a British documentary crew to shoot footage of the Doc during his first day back on the job in Houston on November 23, 2009. We're told the footage was shot for an upcoming one-episode TV special.
A spokesman for Dr. Murray tells us the production company was "interested in the reaction of patients to his return." We're told the crew followed Murray around for the entire day, as he rolled by his office and his church.
The spokesman tells us Dr. Murray hasn't received a dime for his work -- yet ... but he will get paid an unspecified amount once the special airs."
.... Read the rest of the article here. You will want to-- TRUST ME!
OPUS: Letters from OMG to Australian fans
Opus Media Group are very sorry to report that extreme circumstances beyond our control have caused delays in the delivery of The Official Michael Jackson Opus to a small minority of locations. We have received orders from over 100 countries for this epic celebration of Michael's life and every possible effort has been made to ensure that orders placed before December 1 would reach customers wherever they are around the globe in time for Christmas.
Unfortunately, despite the constant intense efforts of our distribution team to resolve issues with shipping and customs intervention, orders placed by customers in Australia will now not be delivered until the 8th January 2010.
Everyone involved in the production of this definitive celebration of Michael's life are extremely frustrated that issues beyond our control are now delaying delivery of your Opus. As you may know, just weeks before Michael's untimely death, we were planning to work with him to create an Opus on his forthcoming 'This Is It' O2 residency. Following his passing, we were determined instead to create an exceptional tribute befitting the undisputed King of Pop for his millions of fans. To this end, our editorial, design, photographic research, reproduction and printing teams spread across three continents worked day and night to meet rigorous deadlines and produce the ultimate book on Michael Jackson. Having met all our deadlines, and received overwhelming praise for the Opus from customers who have received their copies, the delays to some customers are even more exasperating for us.
We are very aware that this is an upsetting situation for our customers and would like to offer something unique to you as a means of going some way to make up for the delay to your copy being delivered before Christmas. Every Australian customer will receive a limited edition art print created by Nate Giorgio (one of Michael’s favourite artists and a significant contributor to the Opus). This unique print has already been commissioned and will not be available for sale, this will be uniquely distributed to you. the limited edition art print of Michael Jackson by Nate is a true one off and collectors piece. These will be posted individually to you in the New Year. In addition Opus Media Group will offer every Australian customer the right to a 20% discount off any Opus that we have produced or will produce in the future. Clearly we would have liked that you received your Opus prior to Christmas. That was always our goal. But we hope that you will accept the small gestures of goodwill as some way to making good this current delayed situation.
Once again, we thank you for you patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused. We are doing everything in our power to rectify distribution issues and we trust that you will be thrilled with The Official Michael Jackson Opus when you receive it.
Yours sincerely,
Andy Clay
Publishing Director
OPUS: Update for UK Customers
Opus Media Group are very sorry to report that extreme circumstances beyond our control have caused delays in the delivery of The Official Michael Jackson Opus to a small minority of locations. We have received orders from over 100 countries for this epic celebration of Michael's life and every possible effort has been made to ensure that orders placed before December 1 would reach customers wherever they are around the globe in time for Christmas.
Despite issues with shipping and customs intervention, orders placed by customers in the United Kingdom will now be delivered on or before 24th December 2009.
Everyone involved in the production of this definitive celebration of Michael's life are extremely frustrated that issues beyond our control have delayed delivery of your Opus. As you may know, just weeks before Michael's untimely death, we were planning to work with him to create an Opus on his forthcoming 'This Is It' O2 residency. Following his passing, we were determined instead to create an exceptional tribute befitting the undisputed King of Pop for his millions of fans. To this end, our editorial, design, photographic research, reproduction and printing teams spread across three continents worked day and night to meet rigorous deadlines and produce the ultimate book on Michael Jackson. Having met all our deadlines, and received overwhelming praise for the Opus from customers who have received their copies, the delays to some customers have been even more exasperating for us.
We will be sending you tracking information for your Opus later today and hope that your Opus meets all your expectations.
Once again, we thank you for you patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused but trust that you will be thrilled with The Official Michael Jackson Opus when you receive it.
Yours sincerely,
Andy Clay
Publishing Director
Opus Media Group.
OPUS: One fan talked to Andy @ Kraken Opus
For everybody to read.
Well he said about the glove that they received emails from the fans asking why two gloves if michael only wore one, and then they decided to only send one, about the card he said its really nothing special, its just a card and thats why they decided for us to print it, and the centerfold he said that it wasnt going to be nothing new, that the fans have seen it a lot on tv and online and thats why they decided not to print it, also about the wrong dates he says that there's always mistakes in the books and he's only aware of one mistake so far and he doesnt know about any others yet. about the barnes and noble price he says they are not authorized to sell it like that and they wont ship anything if is not paid the regular price, i guess thats why barnes and noble changed the pricing today, i think they should realease another statement explaining all this things to the fans so that way we dont feel like we are being taking advantage of.
The press and many other people were so unfair to MJ all his life, they were always trying to find a way to take advantage of him and therefore the fans, thats why now when they try to do something we think its against michael we feel that they are doing it again, we cant trust no one, anybody can try to rip us off just because we are michael fans. Its never going to end, people are always going to make fun of us for being his fan, but the loyals are going to stick, ill always like michael and his music and i so will pass that on to my kids.
I hope Opus clarifies everything and that all gets resolved, this work of art shouldnt be stained with all this controversy. I still dont have the book but reading from others i think it going to be worth the wait
If you have talked to Andy or any representative of Kraken Opus, please post a comment below and tell us who and what was said. Let's make sure we are all getting the same story.
OPUS: Customer Service reply from Ticketmaster
This is the 24 hour (cough) reply from Ticketmaster Customer Service from my December 19th complaint:
12/22/2009 10:14 AM EST
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your recent order for The Official Michael Jackson Opus, regretfully; we have no control regarding the exact date of delivery. When the book is shipped an email will be sent to you with a FedEx tracking number.
To inquire further about the deliveries of The Official Michael Jackson Opus please email and
Thank you for using Ticketmaster, where we continually strive to provide World Class Service to every customer, every day! We really appreciate your business, and hope we were able to resolve any problems or answer any questions you had. Please reply to this email if we may be of further assistance.
*redacted* Customer Support
Monday, December 21, 2009
OPUS: Flickr Group
OPUS: Ticketmaster
On Ticketmaster's site TODAY (12/21/09), this is what comes up.

These are the two lines that jump out:
Every Michael Jackson Opus will be accompanied by a digital Opus Touch & Turn TM DVD, allowing you to view and interact with the Opus on your own computer.So now I pose this question to those of you who have received your orders from Ticketmaster, did you get a DVD and a Reality card?
A unique Opus Reality TM card is also included with each Opus, offering an online 3D experience for the exclusiive use of Official Michael Jackson Opus owners.
OPUS: Barnes and Noble changed AGAIN
Some time between 8:39am PT this morning (12/21/09) and 12:30pm PT this afternoon, Barnes and Noble's website has changed the pricing and customer reviews yet AGAIN. The deep discount is gone! Here are screen-grabs of the most recent changes.
Remember, any pictures here you can click to enlarge - then right-click to save to your computer. If you want to link a specific article here, click the title in green, let it open and then use the URL as your link.
Damn I am getting mad! Everyone keep looking around, we obviously have overturned an applecart or all these changes and lack of communication would not be happening!

UPDATE: 1:17PM PT If you proceed to Checkout as a member, the price is $224.99

UPDATE AGAIN 2:34 PM PT Now for a limited time, you can purchase the Opus at B&N member cost - $249.99 without being a member. Also, now there are only 2 customer reviews.

OPUS: Errors?
To anyone who has received their Michael Jackson Opus'... I am copying this from another fan site (MJFC thread) who copied it from
Can anyone confirm/deny any of comments below? Please give page numbers so we have something to go on. Thanks!
ok..I'll copy/paste what people wrote in other forum (MJJC).
"There is a picture of MJ just after he came out of the time capsule at the start of a HIStory tour show. It says the the picture was from 1997 in NYC."
"I've come across more errors. There is a picture of MJ and Brooke Sheilds that the cpation says it's from 1979. You can tell from how MJ looks it's from the mid 80s. There is another picture with MJ and Liza Minelli that says it's from 1993. But it's really from the late 70s-early80s."
"I found yet another error in the Opus. One part of the book says HIStory was released in 1996."
"Unfortunately I just found another error. There is a picture of MJ and the caption says it's him on stage in 1989 performing "Heal The World."
and more...
NEWS: Captain EO WILL return to Disney
Well, it is.
OPUS: Timeline and documentation - August
*Post Still in Progress*
This is to provide a timeline since Michael Jackson's Official Opus was announced in August of the promises, advertisements and changes that were slipped in. It should suffice as documentation to any news organization or consumer agency you file a complaint with. Screen-grabs are being taken of all mentioned articles in the event they disappear or change - as some have been!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
OPUS: Rolling Stone Magazine article
The publishers of The Official Michael Jackson Opus, an enormous multi-platform biography dedicated to the King of Pop, appeared yesterday on the Today show to showcase the project’s large scope and the groundbreaking technology that helped Kraken Opus secure Michael’s approval in the weeks before he died. The book was also sanctioned and approved by Jackson’s estate following his death. Kraken Opus previously published Prince’s 21 Nights book. The Official Michael Jackson Opus will be released on December 7th.
The book itself is massive, weighing in at 26.5 pounds with 400 pages measuring 18″ by 13″. The Opus features unseen photographs and essays about the King of Pop written by those who knew him best, plus a leather-bound “clam-shell” case. But the biggest draw, which Al Roker discovered in the video above, is something called “augmented reality,” or “Opus Reality” as the company calls it. By heaving some photos in this 26.5 pound book in front of your computer, via Webcam, the pages will come alive, with both video and music appearing on your screen while you hold the book up to it. “It’s never been done before, it’s unprecedented, and it’s something that Michael really bought into,” publisher Karl Fowler told The Today Show.
If you’re thinking about purchasing this behemoth, you might want to act fast: The Opus is available for pre-order now at £109/$165, but that price will jump to £218 starting September 30th. Also, there will only be a first edition of the book. According to the Opus Website, “Once the current print run has sold out, there will never be a 2nd edition. This will ensure that your Official Michael Jackson Opus retains its long term value.” The book also comes with a pair of white gloves that, while seeming like it’s a tribute to Jackson’s sequined gloves, should actually “be worn whilst viewing your copy to help maintain its mint condition.”
Below is a video with Karl Fowler, CEO, Opus Media Group, on The Today Show with Al Roker. Uploaded August 12, 2009.
OPUS: File a complaint
Sun, 12/20/2009 - 09:44 — fleurdemimi
If you pre-ordered the Michael Jackson Opus thru based on the original advertisement, be sure to FILE A COMPLAINT with the U.S. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION based on the following facts
(1) the Michael Jackson Opus was advertised at a pre-order SPECIAL PRICE of $165 + $25 S/H only if ordered thru the Kraken Opus site or Ticketmaster, which "special price" is HIGHER than the B&N price of $134.99, and B&N is offering FREE shipping, which brings the price even farther BELOW the "special" pre-order price from Kraken Opus,
(2) the Opus was advertised to include TWO gloves for handling to prevent it from being soiled,
(3) the Opus was to include a pull-out centerfold of the Memorial Wall signing, and
(4) the Opus was to include an Opus 3-D Reality Card, all of which has been arbitrarily changed by Opus Media Group, Ltd.
This deceptive form of advertisement is commonly known as a "bait and switch". PLEASE FILE YOUR COMPLAINT ASAP!
This is a matter of PRINCIPLE! I'm sure the book, in and of itself, is spectacular. HOWEVER, we pre-ordered based on the original advertisement, and we are entitled to get what we paid for!
Information you will need:
Opus Address:
Opus Media Group, LLC (Headquarters)
3701 East Cholla Street
Phoenix, AZ 85028
(800) 351-2977
Here's what I wrote:
Purchased Michael Jackson Opus presale at $165 + SandH/Fee (total $193) on Aug 15, 09 with money charged at that time. Advertised with 2 gloves, centerfold pull out of MJ memorial wall, delivery by Dec 18th, Opus Reality Card. Item still not received as of today (Dec 20) with expected delivery posted on my purchase page with TM of January 30, 10. Emailed on Dec 11th by Opus about 1 glove change and no Opus Reality card to be included as promised when purchased. No communication about missing centerfold pullout. Now, Barnes and Nobles is selling pre-order for $135, FREE SandH, 3 day delivery if ordered by Dec 21, 09- so about $50 less than my pre-order price when it was first announced and faster delivery than those who paid in August and essentially fronted Opus capital to make the book. Others who ordered after Dec 5th through TM or Opus are already receiving their books. Include in my complaint: Bait and Switch sales, and false advertising and whatever other category this falls under.
Other contact information used:
Purchased Michael Jackson Opus presale at $165 + SandH/Fee (total $193) on Aug 15, 09 and total fee was charged at that time too. MJ's Opus book was advertised coming with 2 gloves, an interactive Opus Reality Card, a centerfold pull out of MJ memorial wall in front of Staples July 7th signed by fans, delivery to begin on Dec 7th, and updated on December 11th, those who ordered before Dec 1, would receive by Dec 18th. Item still not received as of today (Dec 20) and my updated page with Ticketmaster (who was sole vender on Aug 15th) shows event date as January 30, 10. I was emailed on Dec 11th by Opus re: other complaints book included only 1 glove, not 2 citing MJ was known only 1 glove-- except purpose of 2 was to protect the investment of the expensive book (normally retails as posted on Aug 15th at $330--now showing $249 and no mention of previous $330). Also, no Opus Reality card to be included as promised when purchased. No communication about missing centerfold pullout.
NOW: Others who ordered after Dec 5th through TM or Opus are already receiving their books with faster delivery than those who paid in August and essentially fronted Opus capital to make the book. Include in my complaint: Bait and Switch sales, and false advertising and whatever other category this falls under.
Other contact information used:
Complaint Submitted
Thank you for contacting the FTC. Your complaint has been entered into Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database available to thousands of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies worldwide. Your reference number is:(redacted)
Here are links to the publications you may find useful:
No links available for selection
If you want to update your information or have any questions, please call our Consumer Response Center, 1-877-FTC-HELP. Keep your reference number handy
Have you recieved your Michael's Opus yet?

(original post date December 19)
Today I went to Michael's official site through Sony, and saw a comment (below- from darnold) that others who ordered their Opus in December have already received their books, yet some of us who ordered the book through Ticketmaster back in August, have not received them.
So, if you pre-ordered, please answer:
1. When did you order (Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, etc)
2. When did you received it (date)
3. What *country* you are in (USA, Germany, Japan, etc)
4. Where you ordered it (Ticketmaster, Opus, Barnes & Nobles, etc)
5. Was there 1, 2 or no gloves
6. Is there a Centerfold of Michael's memorial wall signing from LA Staples
7. Was there an Opus Reality Card (yes/no)
Fri, 12/18/2009 - 18:52 — darnold
I am so pissed right now I don't know what to do. I pre-ordered on AUGUST 15th through Ticketmaster. I still don't have my book and I haven't received my email saying it was shipped either. Now I come here and see where one person ordered theirs on DECEMBER 5 and they already have theirs?!!!!?????? I just went to the Opus website and their FAQ has a question "for problems with Ticketmaster orders, contact Ticketmaster" and yet I've read here where people have contacted Ticketmaster and they know nothing about anything???? I think this is a scam for people to request their low pre-order price to be refunded, and then re-order from someone else (more reputable) at the higher price. I checked my Ticketmaster account the other day and the event date said 12/31/ it says 1/30/10. You'd better believe I'm calling them bright and early tomorrow morning and cuss someone out!!!!!
UPDATE: I have located a reputable article (Rolling Stones) that quoted directly from Opus' site about the gloves (before it was removed). Click here for more details.
Also, here is a UK news video advance look at the Opus from December 9. At least we can watch this video until we get our books. *growls*
FANS: If you want mail delivered to Michael at Forest Lawn
A P.O. Box has been donated by our Michael Jackson Fans Of Southern California (MJFSC) face book group!!! This box will be available to anyone who wishes to send MJ a card or letter anytime for any reason!! They will be collected and take to FL (Forest Lawn to MJ at Holly Terrace) as the box fills. ANYONE may use this address for at least the next 6 months and most likely longer!! Please WRITE DOWN THE MJ MAIL ADDRESS for post go to the bottom rather quickly here!
MJ Mail
2470 Stearns Street #202
Simi Valley, California 93063
Please feel free to start sending in your Valentine's Day Cards for Michael - The Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California will be visiting MJ on February 3rd, 2010 and be bringing all your cards, letters, and gifts to him for L.O.V.E. Day!!! They will be doing their 2nd Visit on this Sunday, 12/20/09 to TAKE MORE LETTERS and CARDS TO MICHAEL!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
UPDATE: Opus contact
Here is the post in its entirity:
Sat, 12/19/2009 - 14:00 — darnold
@ Cali MJ Fan
I was on another MJ board and someone posted an email address for a contact at Kraken who told her to let anyone who is having trouble with Ticketmaster know about his contact info and he would work to resolve the problem. I think she said he is the publishing manager at Kraken. His email is
I can say that I emailed him my story complete with all my frustrations at 9:30 this morning (Saturday) and within 20 minutes he had emailed me back stating that the book would go out Monday from Chicago and I'd get it by Wednesday. He said he'd email my tracking # on Monday when he got to work because he was replying to my email from home. He also said he'd address all my concerns in a more in depth email on Monday.
So anyone who has concerns and is getting the runaround from Ticketmaster, email Andy!
By the way, I called Ticketmaster this morning and the rep told me that my book wasn't going to go out till the end of the year! That was the last straw and I went ahead and emailed Andy.
I'll also come back to this board on Monday and report whether Andy followed up with the tracking info and I'll be back on Wednesday to let you guys know if I do indeed receive my book.
Take care everyone!!
OPUS through Barnes and Noble

If you are a member of Barnes and Noble's discount card ($25/year), you can purchase Michael's Opus RIGHT NOW at a huge savings. The price listed for members is $135 + tax. Shipping and Handling is FREE. The book is listed as a Pre-Order and will be available on December 21st according to this.
To compare, the August pre-order price was $165, plus Shipping, plus Tax (over $190).
Current prices around the web are:
Barnes and Noble $135 + tax (S&H is FREE)
Ticketmaster is $225 + S&H (tax included)
Opus $249
Michael's Sony site $249 + tax + S&H
Something tells me those of you who order through B&N, will get yours before we who paid back in AUGUST through Ticketmaster. At least those of us upset are not the only ones. Someone's review on Barnes and Noble's site.

Screenshot from
December 19.
Pictured here
are TWO gloves.
Here is the video advertisement posted on this blog November 7th from Opus (posted on MJ's Sony site Nov 6). It clearly shows 2 gloves.
Friday, December 18, 2009
OPUS: Email from Opus Media Group

Source Pic 1 bottom of Page
Received December 18, 2009
Dear customer,
We have received some calls from customers regarding the absence of the Opus Reality Card in the Opus and asking why there is only one glove included.
We took the decision to include just one white glove purely as a further tribute to Michael Jackson. The single white glove is an iconic and defining symbol of the man and his extraordinary career and we thought it only fitting to include just one glove with your Opus. We hope that this is an understandable decision.
Please be assured that the promised Opus Reality feature is very much part of the Opus offering, but we want to ensure that this is something only available to our customers. With that in mind, it has been decided that this should be offered through a secure and protected online forum. In the New Year, you will be provided with your own unique pass code to a secure area of the Opus web site. The Opus Reality trigger card will be available to download from the site and used to access footage that will be presented in a way that will hopefully provide you with a unique ‘Michael Jackson Experience’. The benefit of using this system is that it significantly reduces the possibility of non-Opus customers being able to access this experience.
We are committed to bringing you a selection of Opus Reality footage over the coming year with the first example ready for you before the end of January 2010.
We hope that this has helped to address these queries.
Have a great holiday.
Opus Media Group.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
FANS: A touching story

Michael's love for children and helping others was without bounds. One of the things missed most is his compassion and empathy. Without a doubt, he tried single-handedly to help others who the world forgot or put aside. His commitment to make sick children smile and dream was probably more important to him than any award the industry could ever create or present him.
Here is a story of a young 12 year old boy in Germany who, on the opening day of This is It, was diagnosed with Leukemia. Young Joshua believes so much in Michael and his love, Joshua entered a contest to have his dot next to Michael's dot for Michael's Tribute Portrait.
The story has pinged across the world many times over. PLEASE go read this story. It will remind you of the L.O.V.E. Michael shared with us and in his death, has reunited his fans to continue his legacy.
We love you more Michael.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
NEWS: Virgin Records Legend of the Year
Michael is a nominee.
Please go vote here.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
TRIBUTE: Sony made with fan comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Will you watch tonight?
Here are 2 quick articles on the show from a Tacoma Washington local paper and Miami Florida paper. Another at the New York Post. Interesting thoughts.
Click to take the A&E quiz of how well do you know the brothers.
OPUS: While we wait....
Between August and October, the pre-order price was $165. The cost now is $249 (Opus & Retail) or $225 (Ticketmaster).
Using the ole calculator ($165 * 20,000= $3.3 million). Obviously, this is a low estimate based on the original pre-order offer and not knowing exactly how many were actually purchased at each of the $165, $225 or $245 prices. It also doesn't take into account how many will be purchased in stores this holiday season.
But still, not too shabby for a 6 month project. Wonder what amount of those proceeds will actually benefit Michael's Estate?
Thank you Kracken Opus, Team Branca and especially Judge Beckloff for approving this project. We can not wait to see it.
Friday, December 11, 2009
UPDATE: Opus delivery date

Dear customer,
As publisher of The Official Michael Jackson Opus, the Opus Media Group would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution to the extraordinary and unprecedented demand for what we believe is a fitting tribute to a true legend.
We wanted to provide you with a delivery update for your Opus. Following the hugely successful launch of The Official Michael Jackson Opus in Los Angeles earlier this week, inclement weather conditions and customs intervention have caused us to adjust our shipping schedule slightly for the Opus. Below is the updated Opus shipping schedule:
For Opus orders placed before December 1:
Rest assured that your Opus will be delivered well before Christmas and, in the majority of cases, by December 18 2009. To help you better track your package, once your order is fulfilled, you will be sent a shipping email and tracking code from Fedex, either later today or early next week.
For Opus orders placed December 2 and after:
Opus Media Group will make every effort possible to ensure these are also delivered before Christmas, but we can only guarantee delivery before Christmas for orders placed before December 1. To help you better track your package, once your order is fulfilled, you will also be sent a shipping email and tracking code from Fedex.
We know your Official Michael Jackson Opus will provide you with beautiful and lasting memories of Michael Jackson. We sincerely thank you for your patronage and your patience.
Have a great holiday.
*email and signature redacted*
Thursday, December 10, 2009
NEWS: Michael to receive Lifetime Achievement Grammy
According to another site, Michael's This is It soundtrack will be eligible for nominations for the 2011 award year.
Who will accept the award? (My bet is Jermaine for $1,000- Alex.)
How long will Michael's official site (through Sony) take to post this news? (My bet is 4 days, December 14.)
UPDATE: Sony has finally posted this news, and on the date I guessed. WTG Sony. Thank you for keeping us up to date on MJ news.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
NEWS: AEG still target of handouts by LA over Memorial

Not involving his death but his Memorial!
The Los Angeles Times is still following this controversy as councilwoman Jan Perry urges City Attorney Carmen Trutanich to move forward or drop the allegations there was "criminal wrongdoing" by AEG or others in the preparation of Michael's Memorial.
No open allegations have been published (that I've seen) but allegations were made known in a closed door session a few months back. What criminal activity? For a Memorial Service? Seriously? The longer Los Angeles drags this out, the worse the City of Angels appears in the looking glass.
Costs were reportedly $3.2 million and tax revenues from fans who arrived totalled over $4 million, meaning $800,000 in revenue. Who knows how much was added in the days from June 25th to July 7th when people flew from all over the world to stand vigil outside Neverland and the Encino compound. Add into this the $40,000 fans donated via Mayor Villaraigosa's office produced that bungled website that called upon the grief of Michael's fans to pay for his Memorial. There were so many hits the site crashed.
How much has been spent into investigating the costs of the Memorial? More importantly, let us remember Michael, the man, is dead and the doctor who has been named responsible still walks free. Honestly, what is a more important focus since your books have been cleared?
The conversation continues and we continue to watch with mouths agape.
Previous posts & LA Times articles about Memorial costs:
July 5
July 6
July 9
July 14
August 20
August 27
October 25
October 24
October 22
October 22
November 19
December 6
December 7
Thursday, December 3, 2009
NEWS: Set your DVRs...maybe
First, Barbara Walters will be naming the 10 Most Fascinating People of 2009 on Wednesday, December 9th (10 pm EST). On the list are Michael's children, Prince Michael, Paris and young Blanket. There is no news if they will actually be interviewed, but if we recall back to Michael's Memorial, Barbara Walters was one of two veteran newsmakers invited to sit near the Jackson Family (row 3 if memory serves). Check ABC listings for the time in your area.
Second, (sigh) the time is nearing for The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty on A&E, the mini-series involving Michael's brothers and father Joe. If Michael were still alive, it would not be watched in this house. However, while still torn whether to watch it, the lookie-loo-trainwreck-observer in me will want to catch firsthand the reports Jermaine cries in the first 2 hours.