Facebook fan page
After reading some responses to this elsewhere, I've taken another look at it. I just hope that we all remember we are representing Michael. While we want to see answers and responsibility taken for his death, we also must allow the justice system to take its course. This is going to be a difficult time with the pretrial coming up and subsequent civil case after that. Emotions are running high already. Groups of fans are pitted against each other, each saying the other isn't a 'true' fan, or because you don't jump on one bandwagon or another, you don't love Michael. Let's all take a step back. Michael's gone (and I don't mean in hiding). He's gone forever.
Michael left us with a great task of responsibility. Not only do we hold the key to keeping his memory and legacy alive for generations to come through his music, but he charged us with caring for each other and our planet. What steps can we take to honor that responsibility and show him we are capable of taking the lead in his honor?
Let's stop trying to out-do each other. Stop pitting us against our own. Listen to reason. Listen to Michael's heart. Remember, WE ARE THE WORLD. If we fight amongst ourselves, there is no hope for our world to BE A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE.
Much L.O.V.E.
Hi Cali,
ReplyDeleteDo you know the progress of Opus delivery this week?
Wonderful idea!!!, I would like to be there showing my support!!!...JUSTICE4MICHAEL!!!
ReplyDeleteI will be here praying with a candle on,and my heart will be there at the court house gates with the fans!
oh! I forgot this:...TMZ title...I L.O.V.E it too!!!...
็Hi, Teresa
You might be one still waiting for it like me ^^
Cali.... I just read your e-mail.
thank you so much for replying me ^3^
and I just read about the letter too.
I am one of the fan name list.. ^^
Take care
Don't be sick!!!! ^^
Hi Nangyoon,
ReplyDeleteYes, I am still waiting for my Opus ordered in January. Lucky we got help from Cali. Hope Cali get well soon.
hi Nangyoon and Teresa, Won't have an update from Andy till tomorrow. Sorry!
ReplyDeleteWaves hi to Volos and Velvet!
So accurate what you wrote Cali, and here goes something special...
ReplyDeleteA new commandment:
"Father make me an instrument of your peace,
where there is hatred, let me bring love,
where there is injury, let me bring pardon,
where there is a discord,let me bring unity,
where there is a doubt,let me bring faith,
where there is error, let me bring truth,
where there is despair, let me bring hope,
where there is sadness, let me bring joy,
where there is darkness, let me bring light,
Master, grant that I may not so much seek,
to be consoled as console,
to be understood as understand,
to be loved as love,
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
it is dying that we are born to eternal life"
----Saint Francis of Assisi-----
Hope you like like it!