It appears necessary to write this. All content contained within this blog is the sole property of Cali MJ Fan, unless otherwise Sourced as another's proprietary work. Copyright 2009-2017. All Rights Reserved. You are free to link, share and repost with content in full, as it appears, and must include a link back to this blog. Thank you for that courtesy. Much L.O.V.E., Cali

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We mourn with our friends in Moscow and Russia

This experience with meeting all of you around the world has been a touching one for me personally. When the earthquake in Chile hit the news, my first reaction was to find out how those I had talked to about getting their MJ Opus were. It was a few days before I heard from Byfepo, and through those hours, I was scared for the worst.

Today, after trying to catch up on news and emails, I am reminded again how much this experience has touched me and brings home to me not only how precious life is, but how WE ARE THE WORLD. I have talked to people in over 47 countries. My ears perk up when the news conveys tragedy in one of those countries, almost as if I had a family member living there. I do. So do you! A Michael Jackson Family member.

Hearing the news of the recent metro bombing, claiming the lives of 39 people in Moscow, and injuring scores more, it has come home again. My first thought was knowing if my dear @Russia friend was okay (and she is) and now I must go through my emails again to find those who have written me from Moscow.

Please join with me and offer a prayer or gentle thought for our friends in Moscow who have been innocently killed because this world needs to be a better place to live. Because hatred for another human claimed the lives of sisters, brothers, fathers, sons, mothers, and dear friends.

Moscow, we grieve with you. We are part of this Earth, and we are all humans. We are not countries, or governments. We are people. It is through our common bond as fellow humans that we mourn when any of our world is lost.

Please leave a message below for those in Moscow to hear our L.O.V.E. We do have people from Moscow and Russia who visit this blog. Let your hearts and voices be heard.


  1. This world needs to be a better place, that is true, it is also true, that we are not goverments, political idiologies, we are just human beings living in this world...
    There is so much stupidity between us,it is not necesary to kill a brother to show the way we think, there is no need to make suffer an entire family, to raise our voice...
    When a human being kill another human being, the one who kills is killing himself...We are one living in this earth,and when this kind of things happens...Im ashamed of being human...
    MOSCOW and RUSSIA, my prayers for you all with L.O.V.E.

  2. Dear russians friends my heart is with you and your families. I pray for you and a better world. With L.O.V.E Susanna

  3. To all the people in Russia, my heart is with all of you... it's just unbelievable what happened yesterday...

    and is unbelievable all the thinngs like this that happen everyday, every hour and every minute all around the world... this is not the way it was supposed to be...

    I only know we must learn to live like brothers and sisters, to take care of the children and nature... and we need to respect everyone and nature...

    Years of unending wars has shown that war doesn't solve anything... they just call for more war, more destruction, more killing...

  4. Cali, Velvet, Susanna and Paly. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
    YES. This is really heartbreaking news! I have no words to express my deep gratitude. Thanks to everyone for your kind words and condolences.
    With L.O.V.E. from Russia

  5. I wish everyone in Russia a lot of strenght to get trough this difficult time. My heart is with you.

  6. "We must stay together as one", PEOPLE!!
