A 20 year old German volunteer in Haiti
A CNN iReporter went to Haiti
What can we do? SCREW THAT!
What ARE WE going to do?
WE A R E the W O R L D!!!
It appears necessary to write this.
All content contained within this blog is the sole property of Cali MJ Fan, unless otherwise Sourced as another's proprietary work. Copyright 2009-2017. All Rights Reserved. You are free to link, share and repost with content in full, as it appears, and must include a link back to this blog. Thank you for that courtesy. Much L.O.V.E., Cali
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
MJFC-Jam (Germany)
For fans in/near Berlin.
Der MALIBU Michael Jackson & Family Fan Club veranstaltet am 17. April 2010 die Demonstration 'JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL JACKSON' in Berlin. Die Demo findet am Alexanderplatz statt! Malibu ruft ALLE FANS auf, sich an dieser Demo zu beteiligen!!! Für Gerechtigkeit. Für Respekt. FÜR MICHAEL!
Wann? 17. April 2010
Wo? Berlin Alexanderplatz
Uhrzeit? 13-18 Uhr
Die Ziele:
Wir möchten der Welt zeigen, wie viel uns Michael bedeutet!
Wir fordern ein Umdenken in den Köpfen der Menschen
Michael soll nicht länger als 'der Freak' abgestempelt werden
Wir klären über gängige Missverständnisse und Fehlinformationen auf
Wir fordern einen fairen Prozess
Wichtig: Es soll eine Demo FÜR MICHAEL und nicht gegen Murray sein!
Bastelt Banner, überlegt Euch Sprechchöre, überlegt Euch Aktionen für Michael.
Plakate wie zum Beispiel 'Kill Murray' oder ähnliches werden nicht unterstützt und dürfen nicht mitgebracht werden!
Zeigen wir allen Menschen, wie viel Spaß Michael bringen kann, wie viel er uns geben kann!
Das klappt aber nur, wenn auch wir deutschsprachigen Fans geschlossen hinter Michael stehen und durch eine große Anzahl an Demonstranten zeigen, wie wichtig uns Michael ist!
Großbritannien hat es geschafft.
Frankreich hat es geschafft.
Das ist UNSERE CHANCE, einem großen Publikum zu zeigen, wofür wir Michael lieben!
Was solltet ihr mitbringen?
Gute Laune!
Banner & Sprechchöre
Ausgedruckte Flyer (stellen wir in Kürze bereit!)
Ihr wollt den anderen Euren Moonwalk und Eure Michael-Moves nicht vorenthalten?
Ihr habt Ideen für michaelige Aktionen?
WUNDERBAR! Wendet Euch an die Organisatorin Jenny (jenny@malibufanclub.de) um mit ihr alles Weitere abzusprechen!
Die Demonstration ist für insgesamt 5 Stunden angesetzt und man hört Michaels Musik und es wird sogar einen Flashmob geben. Helft mit Euren weiteren Ideen mit, dass das ein unvergesslicher Tag für Michael wird!
Michael rocks our world!
Offizielle Organiatorin (= diejenige, die die Demo angemeldet hat) und somit verantwortlich ist 'Jenny' (Girl in the mirror 81) - sie darf die Demo eröffnen, beenden und hat das Recht und die Pflicht einzuschreiten, sollte irgendetwas in die falsche Richtung laufen. Bitte macht es ihr und uns so einfach wie möglich und haltet Euch an die hier aufgeführten Punkte, damit wir alle eine friedliche Demo für Michael abhalten können.
Fakten zur Demo:
Es dürfen keinerlei Kerzen (offenes Feuer) mitgebracht werden. Solltet ihr 'Leuchtwerk' mitbringen wollen, dann bitte nur batteriebetriebene Kerzen/Lichterketten o.ä.
Megafone sind von der Stadt Berlin aus leider nicht erlaubt. Bitte also zuhause lassen und stattdessen Stimme ölen.
Ihr könnt Euch jegliche Art von Bannern/Plakaten oder Sprechchören überlegen und diese mitbringen. Wir verweisen aber auch hier deutlich nochmal darauf, dass die Veranstalter keinerlei Plakate wie z.B. 'Kill Murray' o.ä. sehen wollen. Um ernst genommen zu werden, gilt auch für Murray 'innocent until proven guilty'. Wir möchten um einen fairen Prozess und ein gerechtes Urteil bitten und niemanden vorverurteilen!
Wir werden während der Demo Flashmobs aufführen. Fan SinceCaptainEO (Vanessa) hat sich freundlicherweise bereit erklärt, als Vortänzerin zu fungieren. Wer in Berlin mittanzen möchte, sollte sich folgende Tanzschritte angeignen:
Als Erkennungszeichen vor Ort wollen wir Trauerarmbinden tragen. Diese können verschiedene Farben haben und mit michaeligen Logos/Bildern bedruckt oder bestickt sein. Wir freuen uns, wenn auch DU eine trägst!
Quelle: Malibu FC (Maja & Bina) & JAM-FC
Der MALIBU Michael Jackson & Family Fan Club veranstaltet am 17. April 2010 die Demonstration 'JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL JACKSON' in Berlin. Die Demo findet am Alexanderplatz statt! Malibu ruft ALLE FANS auf, sich an dieser Demo zu beteiligen!!! Für Gerechtigkeit. Für Respekt. FÜR MICHAEL!
Wann? 17. April 2010
Wo? Berlin Alexanderplatz
Uhrzeit? 13-18 Uhr
Die Ziele:
Wir möchten der Welt zeigen, wie viel uns Michael bedeutet!
Wir fordern ein Umdenken in den Köpfen der Menschen
Michael soll nicht länger als 'der Freak' abgestempelt werden
Wir klären über gängige Missverständnisse und Fehlinformationen auf
Wir fordern einen fairen Prozess
Wichtig: Es soll eine Demo FÜR MICHAEL und nicht gegen Murray sein!
Bastelt Banner, überlegt Euch Sprechchöre, überlegt Euch Aktionen für Michael.
Plakate wie zum Beispiel 'Kill Murray' oder ähnliches werden nicht unterstützt und dürfen nicht mitgebracht werden!
Zeigen wir allen Menschen, wie viel Spaß Michael bringen kann, wie viel er uns geben kann!
Das klappt aber nur, wenn auch wir deutschsprachigen Fans geschlossen hinter Michael stehen und durch eine große Anzahl an Demonstranten zeigen, wie wichtig uns Michael ist!
Großbritannien hat es geschafft.
Frankreich hat es geschafft.
Das ist UNSERE CHANCE, einem großen Publikum zu zeigen, wofür wir Michael lieben!
Was solltet ihr mitbringen?
Gute Laune!
Banner & Sprechchöre
Ausgedruckte Flyer (stellen wir in Kürze bereit!)
Ihr wollt den anderen Euren Moonwalk und Eure Michael-Moves nicht vorenthalten?
Ihr habt Ideen für michaelige Aktionen?
WUNDERBAR! Wendet Euch an die Organisatorin Jenny (jenny@malibufanclub.de) um mit ihr alles Weitere abzusprechen!
Die Demonstration ist für insgesamt 5 Stunden angesetzt und man hört Michaels Musik und es wird sogar einen Flashmob geben. Helft mit Euren weiteren Ideen mit, dass das ein unvergesslicher Tag für Michael wird!
Michael rocks our world!
Offizielle Organiatorin (= diejenige, die die Demo angemeldet hat) und somit verantwortlich ist 'Jenny' (Girl in the mirror 81) - sie darf die Demo eröffnen, beenden und hat das Recht und die Pflicht einzuschreiten, sollte irgendetwas in die falsche Richtung laufen. Bitte macht es ihr und uns so einfach wie möglich und haltet Euch an die hier aufgeführten Punkte, damit wir alle eine friedliche Demo für Michael abhalten können.
Fakten zur Demo:
Es dürfen keinerlei Kerzen (offenes Feuer) mitgebracht werden. Solltet ihr 'Leuchtwerk' mitbringen wollen, dann bitte nur batteriebetriebene Kerzen/Lichterketten o.ä.
Megafone sind von der Stadt Berlin aus leider nicht erlaubt. Bitte also zuhause lassen und stattdessen Stimme ölen.
Ihr könnt Euch jegliche Art von Bannern/Plakaten oder Sprechchören überlegen und diese mitbringen. Wir verweisen aber auch hier deutlich nochmal darauf, dass die Veranstalter keinerlei Plakate wie z.B. 'Kill Murray' o.ä. sehen wollen. Um ernst genommen zu werden, gilt auch für Murray 'innocent until proven guilty'. Wir möchten um einen fairen Prozess und ein gerechtes Urteil bitten und niemanden vorverurteilen!
Wir werden während der Demo Flashmobs aufführen. Fan SinceCaptainEO (Vanessa) hat sich freundlicherweise bereit erklärt, als Vortänzerin zu fungieren. Wer in Berlin mittanzen möchte, sollte sich folgende Tanzschritte angeignen:
Als Erkennungszeichen vor Ort wollen wir Trauerarmbinden tragen. Diese können verschiedene Farben haben und mit michaeligen Logos/Bildern bedruckt oder bestickt sein. Wir freuen uns, wenn auch DU eine trägst!
Quelle: Malibu FC (Maja & Bina) & JAM-FC
Wednesday Opus Update
About the only update I have at the moment on the Opus' (aka Opi) is for Russia and Ukraine.
There was a shipment with corrected invoices sent and testing done by Fed Ex with deliveries as well as Andy checking in the background, appear to be working. I know of a few customers in Russia (Moscow, specifically) who have received their Opus. So hang on Russia, they ARE coming.
Ukraine, last told, was a new shipment was prepared and being sent because they were mistakenly sent with the same invoices as before-- this appears to have been a miscommunication on Fed Ex's part. So there should be a new shipment shortly. I know there are concerns about them being accepted with the correct fees now but we might have to wait to see what happens.
I have heard from a few customers in Japan that received theirs, so I think the ones in China, Korea, Japan, Philippines are on their way.
Andy is out of the office today so I won't have any updates but will be sending him an updated list. If we have been communicating for some time (you and me) then you're on that list. If you are seeing this blog for the first time and ordered your Opus through Ticketmaster or Kraken Opus directly, and still have not received it, then please email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com (include your name, order date, country, and preferably your order #). THANKS!
Much L.O.V.E.
PS. I'm still feeling kinda sick to my stomach so I'm not sure how I'm going to do today. I have to get in the KIITChen and cook up some meals... I will do my best today. Bear with me, please.
There was a shipment with corrected invoices sent and testing done by Fed Ex with deliveries as well as Andy checking in the background, appear to be working. I know of a few customers in Russia (Moscow, specifically) who have received their Opus. So hang on Russia, they ARE coming.
Ukraine, last told, was a new shipment was prepared and being sent because they were mistakenly sent with the same invoices as before-- this appears to have been a miscommunication on Fed Ex's part. So there should be a new shipment shortly. I know there are concerns about them being accepted with the correct fees now but we might have to wait to see what happens.
I have heard from a few customers in Japan that received theirs, so I think the ones in China, Korea, Japan, Philippines are on their way.
Andy is out of the office today so I won't have any updates but will be sending him an updated list. If we have been communicating for some time (you and me) then you're on that list. If you are seeing this blog for the first time and ordered your Opus through Ticketmaster or Kraken Opus directly, and still have not received it, then please email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com (include your name, order date, country, and preferably your order #). THANKS!
Much L.O.V.E.
PS. I'm still feeling kinda sick to my stomach so I'm not sure how I'm going to do today. I have to get in the KIITChen and cook up some meals... I will do my best today. Bear with me, please.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
DEMAND JUSTICE in the air!
Courtesy of TMZ. Read about it here.

Facebook fan page
After reading some responses to this elsewhere, I've taken another look at it. I just hope that we all remember we are representing Michael. While we want to see answers and responsibility taken for his death, we also must allow the justice system to take its course. This is going to be a difficult time with the pretrial coming up and subsequent civil case after that. Emotions are running high already. Groups of fans are pitted against each other, each saying the other isn't a 'true' fan, or because you don't jump on one bandwagon or another, you don't love Michael. Let's all take a step back. Michael's gone (and I don't mean in hiding). He's gone forever.
Michael left us with a great task of responsibility. Not only do we hold the key to keeping his memory and legacy alive for generations to come through his music, but he charged us with caring for each other and our planet. What steps can we take to honor that responsibility and show him we are capable of taking the lead in his honor?
Let's stop trying to out-do each other. Stop pitting us against our own. Listen to reason. Listen to Michael's heart. Remember, WE ARE THE WORLD. If we fight amongst ourselves, there is no hope for our world to BE A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE.
Much L.O.V.E.

Facebook fan page
After reading some responses to this elsewhere, I've taken another look at it. I just hope that we all remember we are representing Michael. While we want to see answers and responsibility taken for his death, we also must allow the justice system to take its course. This is going to be a difficult time with the pretrial coming up and subsequent civil case after that. Emotions are running high already. Groups of fans are pitted against each other, each saying the other isn't a 'true' fan, or because you don't jump on one bandwagon or another, you don't love Michael. Let's all take a step back. Michael's gone (and I don't mean in hiding). He's gone forever.
Michael left us with a great task of responsibility. Not only do we hold the key to keeping his memory and legacy alive for generations to come through his music, but he charged us with caring for each other and our planet. What steps can we take to honor that responsibility and show him we are capable of taking the lead in his honor?
Let's stop trying to out-do each other. Stop pitting us against our own. Listen to reason. Listen to Michael's heart. Remember, WE ARE THE WORLD. If we fight amongst ourselves, there is no hope for our world to BE A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE.
Much L.O.V.E.
Justice4MJ and MJFSC
It is almost that time again for the MJFSC (Southern California Fan Club) to go to Forest Lawn to deliver messages of L.O.V.E. to Michael from fans around the world . They have been going each month since December, and each month something new and interesting happens.
Q = Why on the 3rd of each month?
A = To mark the day Michael was layed to rest.
Q = Can I mail something for them to deliver?
A = Simply put, yes. There have been flowers delivered, gifts, hand drawn art, homemade cards and posters, teddy bears, etc. See the links in this post for previous visits and here about meeting Debbie Rowe.
Q = Where can I send my mail?
A = Address your mail here:
MJ Mail
2470 Stearns Street #202
Simi Valley, California 93063
Q = Is this the same fanclub who made the Justice4MJ tees and hoodies?
A = Yes as a matter fact it is made of many of the same members of MJFSC (if not all). Did you buy the Justice4MJ tee/hoodie? Send them your picture wearing it so they can put it on their website! Check out others who have!
Q = Who can I contact if I want to attend outside the courthouse during Murray's trial?
A = Send a tweet to @justice_4mj
Also, they have a Faceook page.
Q = Why on the 3rd of each month?
A = To mark the day Michael was layed to rest.
Q = Can I mail something for them to deliver?
A = Simply put, yes. There have been flowers delivered, gifts, hand drawn art, homemade cards and posters, teddy bears, etc. See the links in this post for previous visits and here about meeting Debbie Rowe.
Q = Where can I send my mail?
A = Address your mail here:
MJ Mail
2470 Stearns Street #202
Simi Valley, California 93063
Q = Is this the same fanclub who made the Justice4MJ tees and hoodies?
A = Yes as a matter fact it is made of many of the same members of MJFSC (if not all). Did you buy the Justice4MJ tee/hoodie? Send them your picture wearing it so they can put it on their website! Check out others who have!
Q = Who can I contact if I want to attend outside the courthouse during Murray's trial?
A = Send a tweet to @justice_4mj
Also, they have a Faceook page.
Jafaar & Jermaine on AccessHollywood re: Stun Gun
Ok, I haven't listened/read the whole thing yet. But-- well, Jerm's on the interview. This should be good. LOL
Check it out here on AccessHollywood.
Check it out here on AccessHollywood.
Tom Mesereau on Alberto Alvarez' statements to LAPD UPDATED
After you watch Mr. Mesereau, then read the newest on Alberto Alvarez, according to TMZ today. Interesting.
3/30 Update: Ok I was sick yesterday and this was about the only thing I could put together before I signed off my computer and went back to bed. More on this.
I always find Mr. Mesereau's comments enlightening and really listen to what he says. His truthful and no-nonsense views are unbiased and based in reality.
Alberto Alvarez. Hmmm. I have always had the impression he was very loyal to Michael so I am having a hard time with believing his stories were different out of malice. I believe (for what it's worth) that Alberto was scared to tell the whole story, and really in shock after knowing Michael died. I think when LAPD did finally get around to interviewing him in August, well, he told ALL of the truth. But time will tell.
Oxman is making the circuit again since he has formally notified Murray of the intent to file a wrongful death claim. That's no surprise to any of us. We know that Joe Jackson, and the whole family I'm sure, were going to do this. I think even shortly after Michael's death, that was swirling around. Further, the reason for this is the claim must be filed within 365 of the death of the patient, which is June 25, 2010, according to the LA Times article here. Further, doctors (or those acting like one in this case) must be given 90 days advance notice by California law.
Katherine has recently come out through her attorney, Adam Streisand, saying she also wants the charges against Murray raised to Murder 2, especially in light of Alberto's statements that Murray directed Alberto to HIDE THE EVIDENCE of Propofol and that MURRAY HIMSELF STOPPED GIVING MICHAEL CPR-- INSTEAD OF MAKING LIFE SAVING EFFORTS TO SAVE MICHAEL. (Don't get me started on that).
But here is where the rubber meets the road. Murray, through a source, (Chernoff?), has said he has nothing to apologize to Michael's family for (shocker #1) and THEN this line of garbage that Michael's heart registered rythmic activity at UCLA for a brief time. Medical experts have already said this heart activity was due to the extraordinary life saving efforts they were subjecting Michael to. The machines, not Michael, made his heart start and when those machines were removed/stopped, so did the activity.
Murray further has said through his spokespeople, that the reason he LIED and never told the paramedics or UCLA about the Propofol (and the other list of drugs he gave Michael that night) was because he didn't think the Propofol had anything to do with Michael's current condition. SAY WHAT?
Tom Mesereau has said it best. Michael trusted his life to the hands of (cough) Dr. Murray. Michael paid the ultimate price for that trust.
Dr. Murray, combined with the drugs, the Propofol, and lack of honesty is what KILLED MICHAEL JACKSON. Period! End of story.
Monday, April 5th, just a day after Easter, the eyes of the world will be upon Los Angeles once again. Michael, his children, his family and friends, and millions of his fans have paid the price for Murray's actions. Now it is time for Justice. I hope we see the charges raised to Murder 2 if what Alberto has said is true. Premeditation. Guilt in action. MURDER 2!
By the way, for those who think that it was Alberto who 'leaked' the story about Jafaar and the stun-gun incident, think again. Randy Jackson himself tweeted it was a woman. I have an idea who it was... GR... but it was NOT Alberto.
There's my thoughts. What are yours?
After you watch Mr. Mesereau, then read the newest on Alberto Alvarez, according to TMZ today. Interesting.
3/30 Update: Ok I was sick yesterday and this was about the only thing I could put together before I signed off my computer and went back to bed. More on this.
I always find Mr. Mesereau's comments enlightening and really listen to what he says. His truthful and no-nonsense views are unbiased and based in reality.
Alberto Alvarez. Hmmm. I have always had the impression he was very loyal to Michael so I am having a hard time with believing his stories were different out of malice. I believe (for what it's worth) that Alberto was scared to tell the whole story, and really in shock after knowing Michael died. I think when LAPD did finally get around to interviewing him in August, well, he told ALL of the truth. But time will tell.
Oxman is making the circuit again since he has formally notified Murray of the intent to file a wrongful death claim. That's no surprise to any of us. We know that Joe Jackson, and the whole family I'm sure, were going to do this. I think even shortly after Michael's death, that was swirling around. Further, the reason for this is the claim must be filed within 365 of the death of the patient, which is June 25, 2010, according to the LA Times article here. Further, doctors (or those acting like one in this case) must be given 90 days advance notice by California law.
Katherine has recently come out through her attorney, Adam Streisand, saying she also wants the charges against Murray raised to Murder 2, especially in light of Alberto's statements that Murray directed Alberto to HIDE THE EVIDENCE of Propofol and that MURRAY HIMSELF STOPPED GIVING MICHAEL CPR-- INSTEAD OF MAKING LIFE SAVING EFFORTS TO SAVE MICHAEL. (Don't get me started on that).
But here is where the rubber meets the road. Murray, through a source, (Chernoff?), has said he has nothing to apologize to Michael's family for (shocker #1) and THEN this line of garbage that Michael's heart registered rythmic activity at UCLA for a brief time. Medical experts have already said this heart activity was due to the extraordinary life saving efforts they were subjecting Michael to. The machines, not Michael, made his heart start and when those machines were removed/stopped, so did the activity.
Murray further has said through his spokespeople, that the reason he LIED and never told the paramedics or UCLA about the Propofol (and the other list of drugs he gave Michael that night) was because he didn't think the Propofol had anything to do with Michael's current condition. SAY WHAT?
Tom Mesereau has said it best. Michael trusted his life to the hands of (cough) Dr. Murray. Michael paid the ultimate price for that trust.
Dr. Murray, combined with the drugs, the Propofol, and lack of honesty is what KILLED MICHAEL JACKSON. Period! End of story.
Monday, April 5th, just a day after Easter, the eyes of the world will be upon Los Angeles once again. Michael, his children, his family and friends, and millions of his fans have paid the price for Murray's actions. Now it is time for Justice. I hope we see the charges raised to Murder 2 if what Alberto has said is true. Premeditation. Guilt in action. MURDER 2!
By the way, for those who think that it was Alberto who 'leaked' the story about Jafaar and the stun-gun incident, think again. Randy Jackson himself tweeted it was a woman. I have an idea who it was... GR... but it was NOT Alberto.
There's my thoughts. What are yours?
We mourn with our friends in Moscow and Russia
This experience with meeting all of you around the world has been a touching one for me personally. When the earthquake in Chile hit the news, my first reaction was to find out how those I had talked to about getting their MJ Opus were. It was a few days before I heard from Byfepo, and through those hours, I was scared for the worst.
Today, after trying to catch up on news and emails, I am reminded again how much this experience has touched me and brings home to me not only how precious life is, but how WE ARE THE WORLD. I have talked to people in over 47 countries. My ears perk up when the news conveys tragedy in one of those countries, almost as if I had a family member living there. I do. So do you! A Michael Jackson Family member.
Hearing the news of the recent metro bombing, claiming the lives of 39 people in Moscow, and injuring scores more, it has come home again. My first thought was knowing if my dear @Russia friend was okay (and she is) and now I must go through my emails again to find those who have written me from Moscow.
Please join with me and offer a prayer or gentle thought for our friends in Moscow who have been innocently killed because this world needs to be a better place to live. Because hatred for another human claimed the lives of sisters, brothers, fathers, sons, mothers, and dear friends.
Moscow, we grieve with you. We are part of this Earth, and we are all humans. We are not countries, or governments. We are people. It is through our common bond as fellow humans that we mourn when any of our world is lost.
Please leave a message below for those in Moscow to hear our L.O.V.E. We do have people from Moscow and Russia who visit this blog. Let your hearts and voices be heard.
Today, after trying to catch up on news and emails, I am reminded again how much this experience has touched me and brings home to me not only how precious life is, but how WE ARE THE WORLD. I have talked to people in over 47 countries. My ears perk up when the news conveys tragedy in one of those countries, almost as if I had a family member living there. I do. So do you! A Michael Jackson Family member.
Hearing the news of the recent metro bombing, claiming the lives of 39 people in Moscow, and injuring scores more, it has come home again. My first thought was knowing if my dear @Russia friend was okay (and she is) and now I must go through my emails again to find those who have written me from Moscow.
Please join with me and offer a prayer or gentle thought for our friends in Moscow who have been innocently killed because this world needs to be a better place to live. Because hatred for another human claimed the lives of sisters, brothers, fathers, sons, mothers, and dear friends.
Moscow, we grieve with you. We are part of this Earth, and we are all humans. We are not countries, or governments. We are people. It is through our common bond as fellow humans that we mourn when any of our world is lost.
Please leave a message below for those in Moscow to hear our L.O.V.E. We do have people from Moscow and Russia who visit this blog. Let your hearts and voices be heard.
Que cante la vida (That Life Sing) for Chile Red Cross
Here it is almost April, and I'm no where closer to getting time to working on what we can do for the earthquake survivors of Chile and Haiti.
Paly has sent this link for a song that was re-written for the people of Chile. While I don't speak Spanish, it is lovely!
There's no video (but if you find on, I'll embed it here). Please take a moment to listen to it. It is lovely.
Here is where you can download the song, for about one US dollar. Proceeds go to Chilean Red Cross.
Thanks to Velvet for this translation:
LIFE SING: (Translation)
There was hope, haunted love,
watching its wings,
it wanted to avoid men the pain,
spoke the story, I dont want to tell any madness,
a dream that all of us can turn true,
to raise the voices in a song,
join hands, union is achieved,
sing life everywhere, open roads,
and turn on the sun,
and there are the ones who only think in destroy,
and there are the ones who believe that everything is pointless and that the world will die.
And here we are, to wake up the lost dream,
the dream that all of us could realize.
Think Different. Make a Change. WE ARE the World!
Paly has sent this link for a song that was re-written for the people of Chile. While I don't speak Spanish, it is lovely!
There's no video (but if you find on, I'll embed it here). Please take a moment to listen to it. It is lovely.
Here is where you can download the song, for about one US dollar. Proceeds go to Chilean Red Cross.
Thanks to Velvet for this translation:
LIFE SING: (Translation)
There was hope, haunted love,
watching its wings,
it wanted to avoid men the pain,
spoke the story, I dont want to tell any madness,
a dream that all of us can turn true,
to raise the voices in a song,
join hands, union is achieved,
sing life everywhere, open roads,
and turn on the sun,
and there are the ones who only think in destroy,
and there are the ones who believe that everything is pointless and that the world will die.
And here we are, to wake up the lost dream,
the dream that all of us could realize.
Think Different. Make a Change. WE ARE the World!
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule
Found today on the Federal Trade Commision site:
original post date 1/13/10
The Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule
This rule covers merchandise you order by mail, telephone, computer and fax. It requires merchants to have a reasonable basis for claiming they can ship an order within a certain time.
Ship Dates
By law, a merchant should ship your order within the time stated in its ads or over the phone. If the merchant doesn't promise a time, you can expect it to ship your order within 30 days.
The shipment "clock" begins when the merchant receives a "properly completed order." That includes your name, address and payment (check, money order or authorization to charge an existing credit account - whether the account is debited at that time or not).
If the merchant is unable to ship within the promised time, it must notify you by mail, telephone, or email, give a revised shipping date and give you the chance to cancel for a full refund or accept the new shipping date. The merchant also must give you some way to exercise the cancellation option for free, for example, by supplying a prepaid reply card or staffing a toll-free telephone number.
original post date 1/13/10
Thursday, March 25, 2010
VELVET GOT HER OPI and Thursday Opus Update
Sorry such a late one but I've been away most of the day.
1. VELVET FINALLY GOT HER OPUS OUT OF CUSTOMS JAIL IN ARGENTINA. HER BABY OPI IS HOME WITH HIS MOMMY NOW. YAY! YAY! YAY! I am so dang happy! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Chocolate cake for EVERYONE! (hey, stay away from the middle of the cake . MINE mine mine mine mine! lol)
2. Ukraine Opuses were re-sent with the same invoices it appears (not on purpose!) so Andy is getting a new set to be dispatched tomorrow for delivery with corrected invoices. The ones in customs right now will end up being returned. I know, I know.. this means more waiting. I am sooo sorry!
3. Russia Opuses were prepared and processed for shipment and for some reason haven't been scanned at Fed Ex. I'm awaiting a full report once Andy gets that from Fed Ex. So I will know more tomorrow on those. But reports there are any being delivered prepaid duties, etc... False rumor or at least as Opus being the shipper (maybe those people purchased them through someone else?)
Ok... I am very tired today-- sorry have been away. Was able to attend the Twitter-thon for MJ today for a little while and then just now. But I"m gong to bed VERY early and will catch up in the morning!
Much L.O.V.E. to everyone.
1. VELVET FINALLY GOT HER OPUS OUT OF CUSTOMS JAIL IN ARGENTINA. HER BABY OPI IS HOME WITH HIS MOMMY NOW. YAY! YAY! YAY! I am so dang happy! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Chocolate cake for EVERYONE! (hey, stay away from the middle of the cake . MINE mine mine mine mine! lol)
2. Ukraine Opuses were re-sent with the same invoices it appears (not on purpose!) so Andy is getting a new set to be dispatched tomorrow for delivery with corrected invoices. The ones in customs right now will end up being returned. I know, I know.. this means more waiting. I am sooo sorry!
3. Russia Opuses were prepared and processed for shipment and for some reason haven't been scanned at Fed Ex. I'm awaiting a full report once Andy gets that from Fed Ex. So I will know more tomorrow on those. But reports there are any being delivered prepaid duties, etc... False rumor or at least as Opus being the shipper (maybe those people purchased them through someone else?)
Ok... I am very tired today-- sorry have been away. Was able to attend the Twitter-thon for MJ today for a little while and then just now. But I"m gong to bed VERY early and will catch up in the morning!
Much L.O.V.E. to everyone.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wednesday morning MJ's Opus update
This is just to tell everyone I have seen all your emails and am working on getting replies to each of you. Please be patient in the deliveries of your Opuses (aka Opi). I have been getting a LOT of confirmations of deliveries for some folks-- while others are still waiting. Am I confident yours are coming? YES. Are you going to have to exercise a lot of willpower with patience? YES.
I know this is a very frustrating situation for everyone-- believe me, I reallly reallly do. But here's a story to remind us to look at the bright side.
I got an email from a Prince fan about the 21 Nights Prince Opus. Those who pre-ordered for Prince's Opus, shelled out $2,100 EACH. There has been no update on theirs since October. I'm awaiting confirmation if ANY of Prince's fans have received their Opus at all. Since Prince's Opus is a limited edition (limited to 950 worldwide copies) and the fact it is still on Kraken's website-- I'm guessing that not all of the copies have been purchased. But still, that is some serious clamshells! $2,100.
As I am also a Prince fan and have been since 1981, I will be happy to help them however I can.
SO... remember, look on the brightside right now. We have confirmations that ours have and are being delivered/shipped. Just be happy you didn't shell out $2100 clams!
Will update more as I hear later today!
Much L.O.V.E.
I know this is a very frustrating situation for everyone-- believe me, I reallly reallly do. But here's a story to remind us to look at the bright side.
I got an email from a Prince fan about the 21 Nights Prince Opus. Those who pre-ordered for Prince's Opus, shelled out $2,100 EACH. There has been no update on theirs since October. I'm awaiting confirmation if ANY of Prince's fans have received their Opus at all. Since Prince's Opus is a limited edition (limited to 950 worldwide copies) and the fact it is still on Kraken's website-- I'm guessing that not all of the copies have been purchased. But still, that is some serious clamshells! $2,100.
As I am also a Prince fan and have been since 1981, I will be happy to help them however I can.
SO... remember, look on the brightside right now. We have confirmations that ours have and are being delivered/shipped. Just be happy you didn't shell out $2100 clams!
Will update more as I hear later today!
Much L.O.V.E.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday MJ Opus Update
How about I just leave this blank.
There was no conference call or any communication from Karl or Andy today at all.
So.... I'll update tomorrow.....
PS. I have been away from the computer most of today, so I am behind on replies today. I'll get some answered tonight but most will be in the morning. (I'm sooo tired today...sorry everyone).
Much L.O.V.E.
There was no conference call or any communication from Karl or Andy today at all.
So.... I'll update tomorrow.....
PS. I have been away from the computer most of today, so I am behind on replies today. I'll get some answered tonight but most will be in the morning. (I'm sooo tired today...sorry everyone).
Much L.O.V.E.
NYTram finally got his Opus!
OH I AM DANCING !!! I am soooo happy!
NYTram was one of the first people who I started helping, along with the customers in Russia and Ukraine, for the delivery of their Opus. Russia and Ukraine are the only countries from the original shipping still outstanding. We are still working on those and I will update after I have my conference call with Kraken Opus UK later today.
But for right now, I am so happy to report NYTram FINALLLY got his Opus today!
So did M. from Sweden. A. from Netherlands. S. from Italy. A. and G. from Germany.
Of course the other day, our lil Ana from republic of Georgia also got hers.
Now, we are still waiting on individual orders: 2 in the Philippines (plus one replacement), a few in Hong Kong, Australia, Puerto Rico, India, Israel, UAE, Saudia Arabia.. these are just off the top of my head. I'll look closer later this afternoon.
Argentina's orders are still in country, but haven't yet been delivered. They are supposed to be delivered this afternoon. Will update when reports come in to confirm delivery.
Ok.. have to run. But that's what I know at the moment. Remember everyone, please remain patient. They are coming. This isn't perfect but we are getting there!
Much L.O.V.E.
NYTram was one of the first people who I started helping, along with the customers in Russia and Ukraine, for the delivery of their Opus. Russia and Ukraine are the only countries from the original shipping still outstanding. We are still working on those and I will update after I have my conference call with Kraken Opus UK later today.
But for right now, I am so happy to report NYTram FINALLLY got his Opus today!
So did M. from Sweden. A. from Netherlands. S. from Italy. A. and G. from Germany.
Of course the other day, our lil Ana from republic of Georgia also got hers.
Now, we are still waiting on individual orders: 2 in the Philippines (plus one replacement), a few in Hong Kong, Australia, Puerto Rico, India, Israel, UAE, Saudia Arabia.. these are just off the top of my head. I'll look closer later this afternoon.
Argentina's orders are still in country, but haven't yet been delivered. They are supposed to be delivered this afternoon. Will update when reports come in to confirm delivery.
Ok.. have to run. But that's what I know at the moment. Remember everyone, please remain patient. They are coming. This isn't perfect but we are getting there!
Much L.O.V.E.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sony and Michael...will the deal cut the mustard?
Here's an interesting article on what music industry insiders think of the new deal between Michael's estate and Sony. Interesting read.
Monday Opus update
Just a quick note: Got a message from Karl and both he and Andy are out of the office today. So there's a conference call scheduled for tomorrow for updates.... so nothing new to report for today.
Hopefully some of you have received your Opuses today. Please let me know!
Much L.O.V.E.
PS. Be sure to check out the Flash Mob video just below. Travis Payne is leading it. A W E S O M E !
Hopefully some of you have received your Opuses today. Please let me know!
Much L.O.V.E.
PS. Be sure to check out the Flash Mob video just below. Travis Payne is leading it. A W E S O M E !
Justice4MJ T-shirts!!
Repost: from March 14th
International shipping. Order today!
Show your support with any of these shirts. Part of the proceeds will go to a charity Michael supported: Aids Project of Los Angeles. Please visit their site for more details.

International shipping. Order today!
Show your support with any of these shirts. Part of the proceeds will go to a charity Michael supported: Aids Project of Los Angeles. Please visit their site for more details.

Hoodies $34.95
Misses Tee $24.95
Women's T Shirt $22.95
Men's T-shirt $22.95
*pictures posted with permissions from Justice4MJ
Saturday, March 20, 2010
MJ's Opus weekend update
It is nice to open my mail to see some of you have gotten your Opi. Oh I am so happy. I know there are some still waiting and everyone is excited. So just try to patient and it will get there before you know it. One customer just wrote about receiving his-- that is was well worth the weight, err, wait. (Thanks Sam)
Russia & Ukraine delivery updates: As mentioned yesterday, the MJ Opus' are in route to you in Russia and Ukraine. They should arrive Monday/Tuesday, and then go through processing with Customs, etc. So, just plan on next Friday, and then if it gets there beforehand, you'll be that much happier. The longest of the wait is over. Here is a copy of an email sent to some of the customers in Russia last night. Don't worry if you didn't get it-- the IT department was gone by the time it was sent, so there wasn't a way for Andy to get the full list-- but it is coming. PROMISE!
Dear customer
I am aware that shipping to Russia has been a massive problem and a very frustrating experience for you. As you are aware our first attempt to deliver failed due to serious problems with customs. We have addressed this and sent your order out to you again at the start of this week.
This evening, having checked the progress of your order I noticed that there appears to be little update from Fedex on a number of deliveries to Russia. Unfortunately due to the time here in the UK I have been unable to follow up with FedEx to try and ascertain a status update on your shipment. You have been sent your tracking number and I am confident that I will have this issue sorted on Monday next week and updates to your delivery will appear on the FedEx website.
In the meantime I would like to apologise for this problem and assure you that your Opus will be delivered next week.
As soon as I am able to get an update from FedEx on Monday I will send this through to you.
Kind Regards
Andrew Clay
Translation booklets: While I do not have any official answer on this topic, well, sorta, I would say to those who are waiting for the booklet that was advertised being translated into one of 12 languages-- Don't hold your breath. I don't get the impression these were actually done or printed. So those asking about them, Sorry!
Nate Giorgio "apology" prints: (Taiwan, Japan, Netherlands, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand) No update on these at the moment.
OR Cards: Please email lara@krakengroup.com if you want one mailed OR you can print the trigger image directly from your computer. (See the email that was sent to you back in January from Kraken Opus with passcode to Opus owners). No further update at this time about the content for Opus Augmented Reality webpage. Last checked, still showing "hold page". Awaiting update from Karl on this.
Have a GOOD weekend and everyone just hang on a few more days. Ok?
Much L.O.V.E.
Russia & Ukraine delivery updates: As mentioned yesterday, the MJ Opus' are in route to you in Russia and Ukraine. They should arrive Monday/Tuesday, and then go through processing with Customs, etc. So, just plan on next Friday, and then if it gets there beforehand, you'll be that much happier. The longest of the wait is over. Here is a copy of an email sent to some of the customers in Russia last night. Don't worry if you didn't get it-- the IT department was gone by the time it was sent, so there wasn't a way for Andy to get the full list-- but it is coming. PROMISE!
Dear customer
I am aware that shipping to Russia has been a massive problem and a very frustrating experience for you. As you are aware our first attempt to deliver failed due to serious problems with customs. We have addressed this and sent your order out to you again at the start of this week.
This evening, having checked the progress of your order I noticed that there appears to be little update from Fedex on a number of deliveries to Russia. Unfortunately due to the time here in the UK I have been unable to follow up with FedEx to try and ascertain a status update on your shipment. You have been sent your tracking number and I am confident that I will have this issue sorted on Monday next week and updates to your delivery will appear on the FedEx website.
In the meantime I would like to apologise for this problem and assure you that your Opus will be delivered next week.
As soon as I am able to get an update from FedEx on Monday I will send this through to you.
Kind Regards
Andrew Clay
Translation booklets: While I do not have any official answer on this topic, well, sorta, I would say to those who are waiting for the booklet that was advertised being translated into one of 12 languages-- Don't hold your breath. I don't get the impression these were actually done or printed. So those asking about them, Sorry!
Nate Giorgio "apology" prints: (Taiwan, Japan, Netherlands, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand) No update on these at the moment.
OR Cards: Please email lara@krakengroup.com if you want one mailed OR you can print the trigger image directly from your computer. (See the email that was sent to you back in January from Kraken Opus with passcode to Opus owners). No further update at this time about the content for Opus Augmented Reality webpage. Last checked, still showing "hold page". Awaiting update from Karl on this.
Have a GOOD weekend and everyone just hang on a few more days. Ok?
Much L.O.V.E.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Opus Delivery Updates
Good morning everyone!
Ok here's what I know at the moment:
Group 1:
Argentina: Opuses are in Customs and looks like deliveries are scheduled for TODAY! YAY!
Brazil: Deliveries began last Saturday, and from what I can see, all have been delivered! Double YAY!
Russia and Ukraine: Opuses are in transit, and should arrive Monday or Tuesday. Then time to go through Customs (depending on if they are for Moscow or St Petersburg) then processed for delivery. From past experience, it looks like delivery should be by next Friday (or sooner). I have a note into Andy and Karl to get a status check on where we are with those right now-- so will update as soon as I get it.
Group 2:
You should have your tracking emails and have a better idea today of where your Opus is in the world. (Having coffee in Paris? Strudel in Germany?) Many have been delivered, and others are scheduled within hours or beginning again on Monday. YAY!
All in all, it looks like by next Friday-- just about everyone should have their Opus in hand. Then we will PARTY!
Please please please be patient. This is a very delicate operation with deliveries and one that has taken a lot of hard work to get together. Just a few more days. You have waited the hard part out and you will soon have your Opus in your hand! I promise!
Any questions: email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com
Much L.O.V.E.
Ok here's what I know at the moment:
Group 1:
Argentina: Opuses are in Customs and looks like deliveries are scheduled for TODAY! YAY!
Brazil: Deliveries began last Saturday, and from what I can see, all have been delivered! Double YAY!
Russia and Ukraine: Opuses are in transit, and should arrive Monday or Tuesday. Then time to go through Customs (depending on if they are for Moscow or St Petersburg) then processed for delivery. From past experience, it looks like delivery should be by next Friday (or sooner). I have a note into Andy and Karl to get a status check on where we are with those right now-- so will update as soon as I get it.
Group 2:
You should have your tracking emails and have a better idea today of where your Opus is in the world. (Having coffee in Paris? Strudel in Germany?) Many have been delivered, and others are scheduled within hours or beginning again on Monday. YAY!
All in all, it looks like by next Friday-- just about everyone should have their Opus in hand. Then we will PARTY!
Please please please be patient. This is a very delicate operation with deliveries and one that has taken a lot of hard work to get together. Just a few more days. You have waited the hard part out and you will soon have your Opus in your hand! I promise!
Any questions: email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com
Much L.O.V.E.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
TOTALLY off topic!
Spring is here. Wow! I didn't know!! Where have I been the last 3 months?? LOL Here's some signs of spring I saw. The last one -- is kind of how we all felt for the last 3 months. :X
(Click any of the pictures to enlarge)

(Click any of the pictures to enlarge)
Hello there.
Buds are blooming.
Even weeds are pretty.
Take time to stretch!
This one made me laugh-- they both looked away at the same time-- they look headless. HA
Shhh I am napping.
Remember to spread your wings.
Cali the Hawk (check out the eyes!)
A rose for you all.
Here are some duck butts-- Don't know why they make me laugh!
The male is saying "Do you see what I have to put up with?" LOL
.......and the MONEY SHOT! lmao!

All photos in this thread are
All Rights Reserved and All Copyright 2010 Cali MJ Fan
Janet to appear on Jay "The Tonight Show" March 18th
Be sure to check this out. She won't be performing according to this article from MSNBC. Mark your calendars and TiVOs!
We love you Miss Janet!
And to double the event, Orianthi will be the musical guest that evening. OMG WTG Orianthi!
We love you too Orianthi!
Be sure to check this out. She won't be performing according to this article from MSNBC. Mark your calendars and TiVOs!
We love you Miss Janet!
And to double the event, Orianthi will be the musical guest that evening. OMG WTG Orianthi!
We love you too Orianthi!
Track those Opuses!
Ok, everyone who has tracking numbers right now, this will be like a fun lottery watching Santa Claus fly around the world on Christmas.
Please keep us updated on where your Opus is. Imagine your Opus is on a tour of the world, and what they might be seeing or doing in the city they are in.
I hear many are in Paris.
Ready............ GO!
Please keep us updated on where your Opus is. Imagine your Opus is on a tour of the world, and what they might be seeing or doing in the city they are in.
I hear many are in Paris.
Ready............ GO!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
MJ Opus status update........ 3/17
Update JUST received. I will be emailing mass emails (with BCC and no names) by delivery days. This will be the easiest for me since the list is growing!
So just hang on. I'll be getting them out shortly.
PS. If you don't get an email from me by the end of the night, then I don't have a status yet. Please be patient!
Ok, I have sent most of the updates, however there were a few that I needed to clarify. I have done that. BUT-- Cali must eat. So when I get home I will send the remainder of updates out.
So just hang on. I'll be getting them out shortly.
PS. If you don't get an email from me by the end of the night, then I don't have a status yet. Please be patient!
Ok, I have sent most of the updates, however there were a few that I needed to clarify. I have done that. BUT-- Cali must eat. So when I get home I will send the remainder of updates out.
New Lulu's wallpaper
Here is another, fresh-off-the-press wallpaper from Lulu. Remember, you are free to use these, per Lulu herself. Just click the picture, it will open larger, then right-click to save. (Or whatever you Mac users do. LOL)
Thank you Miss Lulu! You are so sweet!
PS. Here are links to her others she has shared with us so far.
Thank you Miss Lulu! You are so sweet!
PS. Here are links to her others she has shared with us so far.
Yahoo! Mail
Hello all--
It appears Yahoo is having some mega email issues today. So just in case, I'm posting this. I've been having problems getting some of my emails to go through the first time, but then end up being sent (after 3 tries).
This is only a precautionary notice.
PS. Current email count is 217. Please be patient with me in replying. I am typing as FAST as I possibly can. That doesn't mean don't email me-- just know that when there are so many like this, I have to prioritize replies.. but I do read them all to put them in reply groups. OK?
Much More L.O.V.E.
It appears Yahoo is having some mega email issues today. So just in case, I'm posting this. I've been having problems getting some of my emails to go through the first time, but then end up being sent (after 3 tries).
This is only a precautionary notice.
PS. Current email count is 217. Please be patient with me in replying. I am typing as FAST as I possibly can. That doesn't mean don't email me-- just know that when there are so many like this, I have to prioritize replies.. but I do read them all to put them in reply groups. OK?
Much More L.O.V.E.
Opus Reality Card
Thanks to one of the fans who sent me quick snapshots of the OR card.
The wording is as follows:
Congratulations on being an owner of
By using your unique special code sent to you via email you can shortly
discover the world of OPUS REALITY which allows you to view and
interact with exclusive media content in a new exciting way.
Please visit www.krakenopus.com/extra
to find out more and enter your code to get started.
Please email opusreality@krakenopus.com if you are yet to receive your code,
or with any other queries relating to OPUS REALITY
If you want yours instead of printing it yourself, please email Lara@krakengroup.com and ask for it to be mailed to you.
The wording is as follows:
Congratulations on being an owner of
By using your unique special code sent to you via email you can shortly
discover the world of OPUS REALITY which allows you to view and
interact with exclusive media content in a new exciting way.
Please visit www.krakenopus.com/extra
to find out more and enter your code to get started.
Please email opusreality@krakenopus.com if you are yet to receive your code,
or with any other queries relating to OPUS REALITY
If you want yours instead of printing it yourself, please email Lara@krakengroup.com and ask for it to be mailed to you.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monthly MJ mail
The MJFSC (MJ fans of Southern California) have started something that is really gaining steam. They set up an address where fans from around the world can mail gifts and letters to Michael. They are taken every 3rd of the month to Michael at Forest Lawn's Holly Terrace.
Some of you may have seen a recent post I put up about Debbie Rowe being there and meeting with the fans during the March meet. In February, the ole Dr. *what'shisname* was there but not at the correct portion of FL-- not at Holly Terrace (Read the truth from the fans who were there!).
Be sure to check out the links below of various gifts, hand-drawn pictures, art, gifts and flowers that are sent each month. The mail continues to grow as does the amount of people who are beginning to attend. What a wonderful gift the MJFSC has done for MJ fans around the world!
Here is the address to mail your cards, letters, gifts and presents to be taken directly to Michael's mausoleum. Remember, they are taken the 3rd of every month, so if you want one to arrive before April 3rd, you might want to think about sending it soon!
MJ Mail
2470 Stearns Street #202
Simi Valley, California 93063
March 3rd article about meeting Debbie Rowe
March 3rd Flickr set pictures of what was taken to FL
February 12th Flickr set pictures of 2nd Valentine's Day trip
Feburary 3rd YouTube video of visit to FL
February 3rd Flickr set pictures of what was taken to FL
January 3rd YouTube video of visit to FL
January 3rd Flickr set pictures of what was taken to FL
December 20 YouTube video of visit to FL
December 3rd Flickr set pictures of what was taken to FL
Some of you may have seen a recent post I put up about Debbie Rowe being there and meeting with the fans during the March meet. In February, the ole Dr. *what'shisname* was there but not at the correct portion of FL-- not at Holly Terrace (Read the truth from the fans who were there!).
Be sure to check out the links below of various gifts, hand-drawn pictures, art, gifts and flowers that are sent each month. The mail continues to grow as does the amount of people who are beginning to attend. What a wonderful gift the MJFSC has done for MJ fans around the world!
Here is the address to mail your cards, letters, gifts and presents to be taken directly to Michael's mausoleum. Remember, they are taken the 3rd of every month, so if you want one to arrive before April 3rd, you might want to think about sending it soon!
MJ Mail
2470 Stearns Street #202
Simi Valley, California 93063
March 3rd article about meeting Debbie Rowe
March 3rd Flickr set pictures of what was taken to FL
February 12th Flickr set pictures of 2nd Valentine's Day trip
Feburary 3rd YouTube video of visit to FL
February 3rd Flickr set pictures of what was taken to FL
January 3rd YouTube video of visit to FL
January 3rd Flickr set pictures of what was taken to FL
December 20 YouTube video of visit to FL
December 3rd Flickr set pictures of what was taken to FL
MJ Opus deliveries
If you have gotten your MJ Opus, please either email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com or post a reply here so I know who is still needing followup. I have only gotten 5 updates of delivery so far.
If you haven't gotten an email with Fed Ex/delivery tracking information, please either email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com or also leave a comment here.
(If you post via anonymous, please list your country and something I can tell who you are-- don't have to leave your name.. initials will work if I have been following up for you, I have your name.)
Here I think is my last official update from Friday early afternoon. Only update to this is that everything was pushed back a day (received Friday night). No updates since this time. Hmmm.
If you haven't gotten an email with Fed Ex/delivery tracking information, please either email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com or also leave a comment here.
(If you post via anonymous, please list your country and something I can tell who you are-- don't have to leave your name.. initials will work if I have been following up for you, I have your name.)
Here I think is my last official update from Friday early afternoon. Only update to this is that everything was pushed back a day (received Friday night). No updates since this time. Hmmm.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
New MJ album?
Whoa! Too cool.
Check out the latest news on a possible new MJ album of unreleased songs. Let's keep our fingers crossed. This will be so awesome.
Miss you Michael!
Special thanks for this contribution from our dear friend Volos! Here's to hoping she can comment on this blog now (her computer wouldn't let her! lol)
UPDATE: TMZ reports March 15th re: new Sony deal
LA Times reports March 16th re: new Sony deal
MTV reports March 16th on LA Times article re: new Sony deal
PS... I am okay for all those asking and sending letters! Thank you!! I'm sorry to have worried you.
Much L.O.V.E.,
Check out the latest news on a possible new MJ album of unreleased songs. Let's keep our fingers crossed. This will be so awesome.
Miss you Michael!
Special thanks for this contribution from our dear friend Volos! Here's to hoping she can comment on this blog now (her computer wouldn't let her! lol)
UPDATE: TMZ reports March 15th re: new Sony deal
LA Times reports March 16th re: new Sony deal
MTV reports March 16th on LA Times article re: new Sony deal
PS... I am okay for all those asking and sending letters! Thank you!! I'm sorry to have worried you.
Much L.O.V.E.,
Argentina hugs Chile festival
Here is a video of a Buenos Aires gathering last night in which over a million Argentinians gathered to show their solidarity with Chile in the wake of the recent earthquake that rocked their country only weeks ago.
What a wonderful show of love. They collected over 60 tons of food, water and clothing for their neighbors in Chile.
Thank you LPPC for this wonderful information.
What a wonderful show of love. They collected over 60 tons of food, water and clothing for their neighbors in Chile.
Thank you LPPC for this wonderful information.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Young Artists for Haiti
I want to thank a very special fan from Chile for sharing this video. Her sharing a video about another country, not her own, reminded me of selfless giving.
We have to get back to what is more important! Chile, Haiti, Turkey. Keep sending information and links about how we can help our friends around the world. I WILL get to this I promise! We all will!
In the meantime, this is a wonderful song. Thank you for sharing it Paly! Bless you!
We have to get back to what is more important! Chile, Haiti, Turkey. Keep sending information and links about how we can help our friends around the world. I WILL get to this I promise! We all will!
In the meantime, this is a wonderful song. Thank you for sharing it Paly! Bless you!
Oh heavens... Brazil -- is it for REAL?
I just got this message from a fan in Brazil--- it's not their MJ Opus, but.... well, read for yourself!
UPDATE: March 14th
Here is a fansite link with pictures! Oh yay! Brazil, you're up!
Hi Cali! I just wanted to tell you that first delivery Brazil was reported yesterday in a MJ forum :)
UPDATE: March 14th
Here is a fansite link with pictures! Oh yay! Brazil, you're up!
Julien's Auction house Las Vegas June 25, 2010
Julien's Auction House to celebrate the day Michael passed with this... and auction of his things. Also, those of Elvis.
Oh my .............. TACKY!
Go here for details.
Hmmmm... interesting. One named charity that some of the proceeds are going to is MusiCares. Anyone recognize the name and who is associated with that charity? (Not that it isn't a good cause, but did Michael support that one? According to this, the answer is no.) The other is Joshua's Heart. Why would you auction his things and then contribute, in his name, to organizations not on his list of charities?
I'm just saying.
Oh my .............. TACKY!
Go here for details.
Hmmmm... interesting. One named charity that some of the proceeds are going to is MusiCares. Anyone recognize the name and who is associated with that charity? (Not that it isn't a good cause, but did Michael support that one? According to this, the answer is no.) The other is Joshua's Heart. Why would you auction his things and then contribute, in his name, to organizations not on his list of charities?
I'm just saying.
Lulu's latest wallpaper
How beautiful! The first thing that struck me about this, it is funny, we can instantly identify that hand. How many people can you just see a picture of 2 fingers and know who it belongs to?
Really lovely Lulu! Thank you for sharing these wallpapers with us! To all: if you want to download any of these, just click the picture and then when it opens, right click and save. Lulu has generously agreed to share these with us for us to use. Thank you for your giving heart Lulu!
Love you more Michael! You are missed terribly!
Latest Kraken MJ Opus Update--Friday
I have to make this kind of brief for right now because I'm getting ready to go out for breakfast with the girls-- will update in more detail when I return this afternoon. But here are the highlights.
I did get an update late yesterday from Andy and a note from Karl (who will be calling me this weekend).
1. Fed Ex tracking emails were sent to many of you yesterday. These include numbers that may/may not yet be active in Fed Ex's system. They go "live" once Fed Ex has actually scanned the item but they are *your* Opus tracking. So you might want to wait till Monday to check the tracking.
2. For many who did not get them yesterday (and I have to go back and look at Andy's email-- so wait for specifics later) there are more in Europe that still need to be sent, which Andy will do either today or Monday, latest. You will get one.
3. The UK orders were pushed a day (which means Monday delivery now) due to a labeling issue or something with Fed Ex but Andy and Karl stayed till 1 am working on it Thursday eve, and when I spoke to them both Friday morn, they thought all was still on track for deliveries as I last told you all. But again, this has been delayed one day.
4. Many in South America are getting emails from the customs broker/whatever you call them there, to either announce deliveries are coming or in the case of Brazil, that if you haven't sent your CPF (previously called Tax ID) then you need to get that to finalize paperwork for delivery. If you are in Brazil, and you have not emailed Andy (andy@krakengroup.com) with your CAP, please do so immediately.
I think that's the general info in 20 seconds or less. But as I mentioned I will reread Andy's email to me and update with anything I missed. Also, will update after I hear from Karl this weekend by phone.
Any questions or concerns, please email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com
Much L.O.V.E. to you all.
I did get an update late yesterday from Andy and a note from Karl (who will be calling me this weekend).
1. Fed Ex tracking emails were sent to many of you yesterday. These include numbers that may/may not yet be active in Fed Ex's system. They go "live" once Fed Ex has actually scanned the item but they are *your* Opus tracking. So you might want to wait till Monday to check the tracking.
2. For many who did not get them yesterday (and I have to go back and look at Andy's email-- so wait for specifics later) there are more in Europe that still need to be sent, which Andy will do either today or Monday, latest. You will get one.
3. The UK orders were pushed a day (which means Monday delivery now) due to a labeling issue or something with Fed Ex but Andy and Karl stayed till 1 am working on it Thursday eve, and when I spoke to them both Friday morn, they thought all was still on track for deliveries as I last told you all. But again, this has been delayed one day.
4. Many in South America are getting emails from the customs broker/whatever you call them there, to either announce deliveries are coming or in the case of Brazil, that if you haven't sent your CPF (previously called Tax ID) then you need to get that to finalize paperwork for delivery. If you are in Brazil, and you have not emailed Andy (andy@krakengroup.com) with your CAP, please do so immediately.
I think that's the general info in 20 seconds or less. But as I mentioned I will reread Andy's email to me and update with anything I missed. Also, will update after I hear from Karl this weekend by phone.
Any questions or concerns, please email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com
Much L.O.V.E. to you all.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Mother's Day gift suggestion from Kraken Opus
Anyone want to get their mother an MJ Opus? Ok, fly to London and pick it up!
PS. Yes, this is a REAL ad sent to a customer who is still waiting for their PRE-Order MJ Opus from 2009! Oh my *#$$^#*# gawd! Seriously?
Here is the ACTUAL email header:
From: Kraken Opus (enquiries@krakenopus.com)
Subject: A Special Gift for Mother's Day
To: *redacted*
Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 13:51
**sorry, guess I missed part of it... thanks Lavender for point that out** Gawww, I AM tired!
G'night! *stumbles to bed*
**sorry, guess I missed part of it... thanks Lavender for point that out** Gawww, I AM tired!
G'night! *stumbles to bed*
Tracking information
First tracking email received!
Please post below when you get yours! Country and delivery date, if it says it yet.
UPDATE (0910 pst):
Here is the email that is being sent. Sorry, thought it was coming direct from Fed Ex.
Please post below when you get yours! Country and delivery date, if it says it yet.
UPDATE (0910 pst):
Here is the email that is being sent. Sorry, thought it was coming direct from Fed Ex.
Order reference: **redacted**
Tracking information: **redacted**
Dear Customer,
I would like to personally thank you for your patience in waiting for delivery of your Opus. We have experienced challenges in our distribution chain but I am delighted to advise you that your order(s) are ready for delivery.
Above is your 12 digit tracking number from Fedex.
If you are expecting more than one Opus then they will be fulfilled using the tracking information above.
You can access your tracking update by visiting the following website:
and then entering your number into the tracking field.
Please do not worry if at first there is no update on your package as tracking information will only start to show on your Opus once it has received its first scan upon despatch.
Once again, we thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused but trust that you will be thrilled with The Official Michael Jackson Opus when you receive it.
Yours sincerely,
Andy Clay
Publishing Director
Opus Media Group
Talked to Andy and Karl just now
Ok, let's step back for just a minute.
I just got off the phone with Andy and Karl from Kraken Opus UK. Emotions are running very high right now on both sides of the pond.
They have confirmed to me that they have been working with Fed Ex to get these delivered. They have UK tracking info that they are sending out in batches to those of you who are still waiting in the UK. In some cases, you may get the tracking email after you get your Opus. Many are on the trucks for delivery as we speak. So, those in the UK-- please check your emails and report in when you get the tracking information please!
Perhaps I acted too quickly in getting a post out this morning and should have allowed them more time to contact me. I have apologized to Karl and Andy both. I was furious because I expected an email box full of happy emails and got the complete opposite. It is still afternoon in London, so there is still ample time for these to be delivered by the end of business today.
Karl and Andy will both be calling me again in about 4 hours time to give me an update. Each were in the office until 1 am and have had little sleep. They have told me the delivery of these is the #1 TOP priority of Kraken Opus, and that all other projects have been placed on hold until this is resolved. Our emotions are running high-- let's give it a few more hours and go back to trusting their promise to me, on all of your behalf. OK?
I want to address the threatening emails being sent to Karl by fans. I understand that some are venting more than just frustration at him. If anyone who is reading this post is or has sent personal threats against Karl, Andy or anyone at Opus that is completely UNACCEPTABLE. Regardless of your frustrations, this is not okay. Period. I hope too that those who have sent these emails are not anyone I have communicated with. I don't find that appropriate in any way, shape or form! We have legal recourse, if we need to use it. But what I heard this morning about some of the emails being sent are beyond threatening legal action. We are not a group of vigilante fans. We are Michael Jackson fans and must remember to act like one. That is NOT an example of proper behavior as such.
I just got off the phone with Andy and Karl from Kraken Opus UK. Emotions are running very high right now on both sides of the pond.
They have confirmed to me that they have been working with Fed Ex to get these delivered. They have UK tracking info that they are sending out in batches to those of you who are still waiting in the UK. In some cases, you may get the tracking email after you get your Opus. Many are on the trucks for delivery as we speak. So, those in the UK-- please check your emails and report in when you get the tracking information please!
Perhaps I acted too quickly in getting a post out this morning and should have allowed them more time to contact me. I have apologized to Karl and Andy both. I was furious because I expected an email box full of happy emails and got the complete opposite. It is still afternoon in London, so there is still ample time for these to be delivered by the end of business today.
Karl and Andy will both be calling me again in about 4 hours time to give me an update. Each were in the office until 1 am and have had little sleep. They have told me the delivery of these is the #1 TOP priority of Kraken Opus, and that all other projects have been placed on hold until this is resolved. Our emotions are running high-- let's give it a few more hours and go back to trusting their promise to me, on all of your behalf. OK?
I want to address the threatening emails being sent to Karl by fans. I understand that some are venting more than just frustration at him. If anyone who is reading this post is or has sent personal threats against Karl, Andy or anyone at Opus that is completely UNACCEPTABLE. Regardless of your frustrations, this is not okay. Period. I hope too that those who have sent these emails are not anyone I have communicated with. I don't find that appropriate in any way, shape or form! We have legal recourse, if we need to use it. But what I heard this morning about some of the emails being sent are beyond threatening legal action. We are not a group of vigilante fans. We are Michael Jackson fans and must remember to act like one. That is NOT an example of proper behavior as such.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
MJ Opus Thursday Update
Today's update-- there is none.
I have heard NOTHING from Kraken Opus UK today (Thursday March 11th).
I have also heard from NO one receiving their Opus today.
More Hmmmmmmmm.
*crosses fingers for good news when I awake*
I have heard NOTHING from Kraken Opus UK today (Thursday March 11th).
I have also heard from NO one receiving their Opus today.
More Hmmmmmmmm.
*crosses fingers for good news when I awake*
Don't forget to.............
Don't forget everyone-- when you get your MJ Opus, please email me or comment here and let me know. I need to keep track of everyone's orders on my lists and make sure that everything is going as scheduled.
Many are writing and asking me about Fed Ex tracking information. Something tells me that most won't get that, that the delivery will just happen. But yesterday Andy said they were making the labels and such (not sure how that works..but...) so I think they will just arrive.
Remember, no sleeping on doorsteps tonight. Especially if it is winter in your country. I don't want you to be a popsicle! LOL
Ok, I'll be away from the computer for a few hours (appointments this afternoon) so will be back later.
Many are writing and asking me about Fed Ex tracking information. Something tells me that most won't get that, that the delivery will just happen. But yesterday Andy said they were making the labels and such (not sure how that works..but...) so I think they will just arrive.
Remember, no sleeping on doorsteps tonight. Especially if it is winter in your country. I don't want you to be a popsicle! LOL
Ok, I'll be away from the computer for a few hours (appointments this afternoon) so will be back later.
Looking back since December
As I continue to follow up on the status of everyone's Opuses (or as some of us call them in the plural "Opi") ... I go back to December when this all started and think of how many people I have talked to in this short time. And more amazingly, from how many countries.
It makes me think even more, about the reach that Michael had with people around the globe. This is just my list from emails of where I have been contacted from since December. If there is ANY question of the impact Michael had on the lives of people around the globe, just take a quick look at this list compiled over the discussion of a BOOK.
Africa, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, republic of Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, South Africa, South Korean, Spain, Sweden, Turmekendstan, UK, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, US, Vietnam.
45 countries in 3 months. What did Michael feel after 40 years? No wonder he felt the pain of the world. He KNEW the world!
What a man! We miss you Michael!
It makes me think even more, about the reach that Michael had with people around the globe. This is just my list from emails of where I have been contacted from since December. If there is ANY question of the impact Michael had on the lives of people around the globe, just take a quick look at this list compiled over the discussion of a BOOK.
Africa, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, republic of Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, South Africa, South Korean, Spain, Sweden, Turmekendstan, UK, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, US, Vietnam.
45 countries in 3 months. What did Michael feel after 40 years? No wonder he felt the pain of the world. He KNEW the world!
What a man! We miss you Michael!
Opus Update: Karl and Andy yesterday
Whooopsie! Cali forgot to post an update everywhere yesterday! Bad Cali! I have been sending a bunch of emails on individual orders that I've gotten updates on and forgot to post the general one. SO sorry!
Ok, to catch up. Tuesday, I did get an email from Karl saying we wouldn't have an update call that day and it would resume Wednesday. Which it did. Karl and Andy called me on a conference call Wednesday. I also received some individual updates (which I emailed out last night).
Here is the latest:
The orders in the UK that were originally scheduled for delivery by Thursday, are pushed back ONE day to Friday. So if I sent an email to you saying Thursday, please take your pillow and blanket off your doorstep waiting for the delivery man/woman and sleep in your own bed tonight. It won't be there till tomorrow.
NYTram-- that includes you. *ducks when NYTram throws something at Cali cause he's mad!* LOL
So, except for a few last minute people who contacted me, each of you in Group 2 (where the country has already been delivered but yours was missed the first go-around) should have an email from me in the last 3 days with an update. If you just contacted me in the last 3 days, and don't have an update-- then I am still waiting for it. Should have it today.
Another call is scheduled for this afternoon (US Time) and so I will post that update here first-- then send emails out. Again, my apologies for not updating here. I updated so much behind the scenes I thought I reached everyone!
Thank heavens for sleep and coffee! LOL If you have any questions at all, feel free to email me. cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com
Much L.O.V.E. to each of you!
Ok, to catch up. Tuesday, I did get an email from Karl saying we wouldn't have an update call that day and it would resume Wednesday. Which it did. Karl and Andy called me on a conference call Wednesday. I also received some individual updates (which I emailed out last night).
Here is the latest:
The orders in the UK that were originally scheduled for delivery by Thursday, are pushed back ONE day to Friday. So if I sent an email to you saying Thursday, please take your pillow and blanket off your doorstep waiting for the delivery man/woman and sleep in your own bed tonight. It won't be there till tomorrow.
NYTram-- that includes you. *ducks when NYTram throws something at Cali cause he's mad!* LOL
So, except for a few last minute people who contacted me, each of you in Group 2 (where the country has already been delivered but yours was missed the first go-around) should have an email from me in the last 3 days with an update. If you just contacted me in the last 3 days, and don't have an update-- then I am still waiting for it. Should have it today.
Another call is scheduled for this afternoon (US Time) and so I will post that update here first-- then send emails out. Again, my apologies for not updating here. I updated so much behind the scenes I thought I reached everyone!
Thank heavens for sleep and coffee! LOL If you have any questions at all, feel free to email me. cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com
Much L.O.V.E. to each of you!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Beautiful MJ wallpaper

Oh this is so beautiful! Our new friend, Lulu, shared this. She told me she made it as a wallpaper for a friend and then has been sharing it with others, including me and each of you.
You can click the picture itself to open it larger then right click to download. Or if you prefer, I'd be happy to email it to you-- just email me at cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com
Lulu, this is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your care for Michael and making something so true and postive.
Much L.O.V.E.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Monday update with Karl Fowler/Opus
NyTram-- I'll be sending you an update via email on your Opus. Give me a bit to get it to you.
The Nate prints-- I don't have a status update on those yet, I am expecting that will be later in the week, perhaps Thursday. I promise that is on my written list of our issues.
For Brazil-- please make sure you have emailed andy@krakengroup.com your personal Tax ID number. This is URGENT. Please write in the subject line exactly this: BRAZIL TAX ID so Andy can sort them fast.
For Argentina and Brazil, waiting for an absolute confirmation date of delivery. Still on target right now for by Monday, perhaps sooner.
For Russia and Ukraine, these are still on target for delivery perhaps by Friday, latest Monday. For the one customer I know in republic of Georgia, I emailed you earlier. So you should be getting an email in the next day or two to get exact information, even though I know Andy has this already from your father calling beforehand. I just want to make sure there's no room for missing yours.
For Group 2 (my definition) -- the individuals in countries where deliveries have been made but yours was missed: If you use the UK as the center (Sam listen up), the closer you are to the UK, the sooner your delivery will be made. Except most to start on Wednesday. Then as you grow away from the center of the radius, then you go more towards Friday, Saturday and Monday March 15th.
Karl and I will be speaking daily for updates. I email Andy daily with individuals who are contacting me and he is looking each up. I will email you with what I've been sent. If I don't email you by the end of my day (US time) then I don't have anything yet. I can't publish the list (which would be easiest) because there is private customer information, so each email I must write personally to each person. This does take me a while to do, so please bare with me.
NYTram--I'll send yours as soon as I post this on the sites I do.
Everyone, please translate/copy and share with your other MJ forums. Also, if there is anyone other there who still doesn't have their MJ Opus, and has not contacted me yet, please email cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com
The Nate prints-- I don't have a status update on those yet, I am expecting that will be later in the week, perhaps Thursday. I promise that is on my written list of our issues.
For Brazil-- please make sure you have emailed andy@krakengroup.com your personal Tax ID number. This is URGENT. Please write in the subject line exactly this: BRAZIL TAX ID so Andy can sort them fast.
For Argentina and Brazil, waiting for an absolute confirmation date of delivery. Still on target right now for by Monday, perhaps sooner.
For Russia and Ukraine, these are still on target for delivery perhaps by Friday, latest Monday. For the one customer I know in republic of Georgia, I emailed you earlier. So you should be getting an email in the next day or two to get exact information, even though I know Andy has this already from your father calling beforehand. I just want to make sure there's no room for missing yours.
For Group 2 (my definition) -- the individuals in countries where deliveries have been made but yours was missed: If you use the UK as the center (Sam listen up), the closer you are to the UK, the sooner your delivery will be made. Except most to start on Wednesday. Then as you grow away from the center of the radius, then you go more towards Friday, Saturday and Monday March 15th.
Karl and I will be speaking daily for updates. I email Andy daily with individuals who are contacting me and he is looking each up. I will email you with what I've been sent. If I don't email you by the end of my day (US time) then I don't have anything yet. I can't publish the list (which would be easiest) because there is private customer information, so each email I must write personally to each person. This does take me a while to do, so please bare with me.
NYTram--I'll send yours as soon as I post this on the sites I do.
Everyone, please translate/copy and share with your other MJ forums. Also, if there is anyone other there who still doesn't have their MJ Opus, and has not contacted me yet, please email cali_mj_fan@yahoo.com
Prayers for a fan
Good morning everyone.
This morning I awoke to a new fan who is missing their MJ Opus. Her story, like all of yours, is similar. Lots of followup and promises made by the UK headquarters of Kraken Opus spanning months. There is one difference. The email contained a personal fight this customer is waging against a bigger problem than not having her Opus: Cancer.
Please take a moment, wherever you are, to send postiive thoughts, white light and a lot of MJ L.O.V.E. to this fan. Her details are not important. Angels and messengers of love will make sure your love and prayers reach her wherever she is in this world.
I am going to be sending a link to her of this post. I hope you can take a moment to show her she is not alone in this world. She is part of a much larger family, one with unlimited love. Please leave her a message below if you like.
This one is for you dear one.
With L.O.V.E. and white light, peace and healing, your new friend,
(translation courtesy of Velvet! Thank you LPPC!)
Plegarias para un fan:
Buenos dias a todos:
Esta mañana me desperte con el mensaje de un nuevo fan que espera su OPUS.
Su historia, como la de ustedes, es similar.
Muchisimas promesas hechas por la sede britanica de Kraken Opus a lo largo de todos estos meses. Hay una diferencia. Este email contenia tambien, su lucha personal, este cliente de OPUS, lucha en contra de un problema mucho mas grande que no tener su OPUS: Cancer.
Por favor, tomense un momento, dondequiera que esten, y envienle pensamientos positivos, mucha luz y muchisimo amor a este fan de Michael Jackson.
Sus detalles no son importantes. Los angeles y mensajeros de amor haran que el A.M.O.R y las plegarias la alcanzen dondequiera que ella este en este mundo.
Voy a enviarle un link de este post. Espero que se tomen un momento para demostrarle que no esta sola en este mundo. Ella es parte de una gran familia, una familia con ilimitado amor. Por favor,dejenle un mensaje debajo si gustan.
Este es para ti, querida.
Con amor y mucha luz, paz y sanacion, tu nuevo amigo, CALI.
This morning I awoke to a new fan who is missing their MJ Opus. Her story, like all of yours, is similar. Lots of followup and promises made by the UK headquarters of Kraken Opus spanning months. There is one difference. The email contained a personal fight this customer is waging against a bigger problem than not having her Opus: Cancer.
Please take a moment, wherever you are, to send postiive thoughts, white light and a lot of MJ L.O.V.E. to this fan. Her details are not important. Angels and messengers of love will make sure your love and prayers reach her wherever she is in this world.
I am going to be sending a link to her of this post. I hope you can take a moment to show her she is not alone in this world. She is part of a much larger family, one with unlimited love. Please leave her a message below if you like.
This one is for you dear one.
With L.O.V.E. and white light, peace and healing, your new friend,
(translation courtesy of Velvet! Thank you LPPC!)
Plegarias para un fan:
Buenos dias a todos:
Esta mañana me desperte con el mensaje de un nuevo fan que espera su OPUS.
Su historia, como la de ustedes, es similar.
Muchisimas promesas hechas por la sede britanica de Kraken Opus a lo largo de todos estos meses. Hay una diferencia. Este email contenia tambien, su lucha personal, este cliente de OPUS, lucha en contra de un problema mucho mas grande que no tener su OPUS: Cancer.
Por favor, tomense un momento, dondequiera que esten, y envienle pensamientos positivos, mucha luz y muchisimo amor a este fan de Michael Jackson.
Sus detalles no son importantes. Los angeles y mensajeros de amor haran que el A.M.O.R y las plegarias la alcanzen dondequiera que ella este en este mundo.
Voy a enviarle un link de este post. Espero que se tomen un momento para demostrarle que no esta sola en este mundo. Ella es parte de una gran familia, una familia con ilimitado amor. Por favor,dejenle un mensaje debajo si gustan.
Este es para ti, querida.
Con amor y mucha luz, paz y sanacion, tu nuevo amigo, CALI.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
WOW! I love you all so very much. Thank you for all the emails and comments you are making. You are so sweet.
I have gotten quite a few emails since yesterday and I will be replying to them as quickly as I can. I will try to do them in the order they came in-- but if time is short then I'll do outstanding business ones first and sweet comments next. Hope you don't mind. I will get to them all (and have read them all). Please keep sending them to me ! I love to hear from all of you!
Much L.O.V.E.
In general,
1. If you haven't seen my update below, please go take a read 2 threads down and make sure you leave a comment! (importante) Say whatever is on your mind-- no matter what it is.
2. If you haven't done so, please leave Velvet a birthday message in the post just below. It would be fun to leave it in your native language. (she is great at translating! giggles!)
3. If you are still sending the emails to Opus and TM, please take a break and stop sending them until further notice.
I have gotten quite a few emails since yesterday and I will be replying to them as quickly as I can. I will try to do them in the order they came in-- but if time is short then I'll do outstanding business ones first and sweet comments next. Hope you don't mind. I will get to them all (and have read them all). Please keep sending them to me ! I love to hear from all of you!
Much L.O.V.E.
In general,
1. If you haven't seen my update below, please go take a read 2 threads down and make sure you leave a comment! (importante) Say whatever is on your mind-- no matter what it is.
2. If you haven't done so, please leave Velvet a birthday message in the post just below. It would be fun to leave it in your native language. (she is great at translating! giggles!)
3. If you are still sending the emails to Opus and TM, please take a break and stop sending them until further notice.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Oh... and shhh... don't tell anyone-- but a little birdie told me one of our own... our
lil VELVET has a BIRTHDAY!!!
Please take a minute to wish this most wonderful LPPC chiquita a Happy Happy Birthday message!
Estimado Velvet
Eres un alma bella y jamón hping tiene un feliz cumpleaños hermosa y maravillosa.
Mucho amor para usted!
Capt PC
¡Oh, PS: Si esta traducción apesta, es culpa de Google! lmao
lil VELVET has a BIRTHDAY!!!
Please take a minute to wish this most wonderful LPPC chiquita a Happy Happy Birthday message!
Estimado Velvet
Eres un alma bella y jamón hping tiene un feliz cumpleaños hermosa y maravillosa.
Mucho amor para usted!
Capt PC
¡Oh, PS: Si esta traducción apesta, es culpa de Google! lmao
Opus Update
Ok, finally-- here is the update. Sorry it took so long. I hate when life gets in the way. LOL
If you are still sending the emails to Opus and TM, please take a break and stop sending them until further notice.
I spoke with Karl Fowler, who is the owner/CEO of Kraken Opus and he is located in the UK. Karl was very polite, very understanding of your positions and understands your frustrations. You all know my level of frustration at the promises you have been told all along, and I did share the steps I was in the process of taking. He did listen. I in turn listened to him. We had a VERY good call and I am very VERY happy with the outcome. 10 days. Hold on for 10 days!
If you are still sending the emails to Opus and TM, please take a break and stop sending them until further notice.
I spoke with Karl Fowler, who is the owner/CEO of Kraken Opus and he is located in the UK. Karl was very polite, very understanding of your positions and understands your frustrations. You all know my level of frustration at the promises you have been told all along, and I did share the steps I was in the process of taking. He did listen. I in turn listened to him. We had a VERY good call and I am very VERY happy with the outcome. 10 days. Hold on for 10 days!
Cali's Confirmation List
I just sent an email to those of you I have on the list that was sent to Kraken Opus UK. The subject line is "Cali's confirmation list". This is for the individuals whose countries have already been delivered, but your individual orders were not included in them for whatever reason. So it does not include the ones that haven't been delivered for countries: Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Argentina and republic of Georgia.
If you did NOT get that email, please email me ASAP!
If you did NOT get that email, please email me ASAP!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Ok, I will try to get an update posted before I go to bed tonight about my conversation with Karl Fowler this afternoon. However, at the moment, we have made progress with Kraken Opus and have a game plan in place. (Details will come soon from me)
The BEST laugh I have ever had! ENJOY!
(I have laughed so hard I have peed myself a few times reading this!) REAL DEAL!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Debbie Rowe
MJFSC made their monthly visit to Holly Terrace at Forest Lawn yesterday. There was a visitor there and the story is so wonderful. God bless Debbie Rowe!
Please visit this link to Lisa Burks blog.
And if you read the story on TMZ-- you can see the difference from the information they "obtained" from MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath's site.
Please visit this link to Lisa Burks blog.
And if you read the story on TMZ-- you can see the difference from the information they "obtained" from MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath's site.
Justice4MJ T--shirts
In case you are interested in purchasing these Tshirts, please check out this site, through Justice4MJ
It says at the bottom, "A portion of our sales will be donated to one of the charities that Michael Jackson supported and deeply cared for, Aids Project Los Angeles."
I have just written them asking for approval to post the pics here so you can see them here. I love the design.
Reasonable prices too-- $22.95 to $34.95 for the Hoodie. Not bad.
It says at the bottom, "A portion of our sales will be donated to one of the charities that Michael Jackson supported and deeply cared for, Aids Project Los Angeles."
I have just written them asking for approval to post the pics here so you can see them here. I love the design.
Reasonable prices too-- $22.95 to $34.95 for the Hoodie. Not bad.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
UPDATE! I just heard from Byfepo. He is okay! Thank God. He has been without power. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing what he sent - because the part about the Opus made me laugh a little.
(translated via Google translator)
(From Cali)
I am still trying to get some information about organizations that will best help Chileans based on their needs. So stay tuned for that.
(translated via Google translator)
My OPUS remained strong, ningu stood without support, and ahy quietly, surrounded by a multitude of magazines and journals of Michael Jackson that fell around him.
(From Cali)
I am still trying to get some information about organizations that will best help Chileans based on their needs. So stay tuned for that.
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